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  1. nicole&the3Ls

    Little Lily's sickness :(

    My little Lily is super sick, we went to the vet and it was said that she had a brain tumor and suggested euthanizing her was best. But we decided not too. She is basically paralized in half of her face. She drools on the left side of her mouth, can't breathe on left nostril, and has a severe...
  2. C

    Guinea pig head tilting suddenly

    hi! My 3 month old guinea pig is suddenly tilting her head to the left. She was acting normal yesterday and is still eating normally. I checked her ears and they seemed fine. However i noticed the corners of her eye was darker. Any idea what it could be? Thank you!
  3. SazzaG96

    Emergency Vet!

    Hi Guys, So me and the Guinea pigs have had a very stressful day. Archie was diagnosed with a URI and is now on antibiotics but today Han in the evening starting falling over, eye twitching and tilting his head to the right continuously. I was very worried as Han usually is running about...