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  1. bellaandclover


    hello! can u use towels for bedding for an outside hutch? we would probabaly put some bedding over it and some hay but would it be good for them?
  2. C

    towels under fleece?

    so i was thinking of using towels under the fleece as they seem like they do a good job. however i’m concerned that they will smell easily, considering there isn’t much airflow between the layers? and i also feel like towels would take a while to dry. should i put towels, then puppy pads, then...
  3. VeganIzzy

    Guinea Pig Routines?

    This was also posted in another category but I received no replies so am searching for hope in this one! I am getting two Guinea Pigs tomorrow, they're boys and both are two and a half. They're from a friend who couldn't look after them any longer. I was reading upon routines and schedules, and...
  4. Akvelins

    Fleece Bedding!

    Hi! I have owned piggies for a long time now and I want to try out fleece bedding, I have used wood shavings since I got them. My question is, what do you find the best to use under the fleece? I'm thinking of puppy pads + towels and then fleece on top. I know many of you use uhaul pads and...
  5. luckyandsammy

    My Little Burritos
