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  1. Sivlei

    First time travel

    I am going on a 10 day trip and I can not bring my guinea pigs. I have some questions. 1. Last time I went on a short trip and I put some veggies in a box and left instructions for the sitter to give them to the boars. This time we are going to be away too long to do this so how do my guinea...
  2. K

    Traveling Internationally From The US With Pigs

    Hi everyone. I will be flying from the US to Australia as soon as the COVID restriction is over, I’m assuming in about a year. I have two guinea pigs and would maybe be adopting more soon. I have never flown internationally and do not even have a passport-yet. I am wondering if anyone on here...
  3. ashleemelda

    Piggy Travel Anxiety

    Last week I made a post about how my family and I will be taking my two guinea pigs, Moira and Rose, along with us from Virginia to Illinois for the holidays, as there are no boarding facilities nearby and the people I would trust to watch them also go on vacation. It is an approximately 9 hour...
  4. ashleemelda

    Traveling with two guinea pigs for the holidays.

    Every year my family and I make the approximately 9 hour and 15 minutes (not including stops at gas stations, rest areas, and drive-thrus) car ride from Virginia to Illinois for Christmas. We are usually there for about a week. This year we will be taking my two guinea pigs, Moira and Rose...
  5. Shelby._.

    Two Newly Bonded Pigs In One Carrier?

    I have a new update! So I found a rescue and it is 4 hours away from my home. I can’t drive yet but we will be in that city in April for a horse expo. So if Gus is stilling doing ok in the next 2 and 1/2 months and everything works out with the rescue I may be adopting a friend for Gus which...
  6. CavyIris

    How To Transport 4 Guinea Pigs?

    Hello, I'm not sure how i am to transport my guinea pigs to our summer place, this is the first time we are going with them. I know not to transport them two in one cage, but are there any cages you know of i can divide, or something similar? its a 4 and a half hour drive, so quite long for them...