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  1. Puddles1999

    Not eating/losing weight after molar trim

    Hi everybody. My Penelope usually has to have her molars trimmed about once a year. She just turned 4. She’s been having this since she was about 2-2 1/2. She last had it done March of 2022. It’s now September 2023. I noticed she has started showing signs of needing it done again. She is...
  2. wheek!guinea

    Grooming Wipes, Nail Trims.

    Are these safe for guinea pigs, or just in general? I couldn't find any reviews or information online regarding other peoples experience with guinea pigs. Also how often would you use grooming wipes? I noticed my guinea pig has dirty paws and yellow stains on his face, but thought a luke-warm...
  3. PerpLexxity

    Whisker Trim?

    Hi everybody, I have a coronet and I feel like his whiskers are incredibly long. Is it okay to trim them? Sorry if this is a dumb question I’ve just never had a long haired pig before.
  4. Guineapigfeet

    Nail Clipping Success!

    We managed to clip every single nail on all three piggies with no squeals, tears, blood or protestations today! All was over in 5 minutes! Did them in reverse order if delinquency; Rey, Chewie then BB. The all sat on OH's lap, held sitting up by OH's be-gloved hands and let me snick-snick each...
  5. Guineapigfeet

    Trimming Baby Nails

    What age should you start trimming nails? I don't want them to grow too much as half of them (out of three pigs) are black and long quicks are a pain in the bum! My girls are about 6 months old and still have needley baby claws, apart from one claw on one pig which is a bit thicker and looks...