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  1. C

    DIY Fleece Liner Types

    Hello! I'm new to this forum, hello to you all! I have a question for those of you that use u-haul padded fleece liners or have made them yourself :) I am a new owner of two adorable 6-month old girls. I recently upgraded their cage to a 3x5 C&C so they have tons of room to run around! I...
  2. GeorgiaHarris

    U-Haul alternative?

    I really want to make some cage liners for my piggies but I’m finding it difficult to find the U-Haul pads in the uk. I found this Removal Blanket but I’m not sure if they are a suitable alternative or if they’ll even work. Can anybody help?
  3. V

    Fleece Liners - Layering Uhaul Pads

    I'm getting my supplies reading so I can start making my own fleece liners! I'm so excited! Just ordered two extra large uhaul pads 150x300 cm! What do you guys recommend? One layer of uhaul pads or two layers of uhaul pads? Andy why? I'm still hesatating about how to cut up the uhaul pads...