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  1. B

    Pet bereavement

    Hi, I'm a researcher at Bolton University (UK) and I'm currently conducting some research about the impact of the death of a pet. If you are happy to share your experiences, we'd love to hear from you. We're looking from responses from anyone over 12 years old, living in the UK, who has...
  2. L

    HELP! My pig is hooting!

    Hello! My boy Pip has started making hooting noises! Since last night, he has not moved very far from his little house. I would say Pip is a little bit of an over achiever when it comes to his day to day life so I am very worried for him. He will not eat his favorite hay, nor will he drink...
  3. antonianicoleee

    Poorly Piggy, Been Told To Prepare For The Worst :(

    Hi everyone. I took Poppy to the vets on Monday. When I took her the time before she weighed just over 1.3. She now weighs 1.02. She has lost quite a lot of weight. The blood is apparently coming out in her urine, not in her poop so apparently this is still cystitis and they think she is just...