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vet visit

  1. Short Shadow

    Acting odd after vet & treatment

    Hello All, Little Gio had a nasty cyst form under his chin. It was like it popped up over night and we got in him to the vet next day. Long story short, it was 4 weeks of trying to get rid of this thing. 2 vet visits, us having to help drain it at home and then giving him antibiotics with a...
  2. ashleemelda

    Questions After Vet Visit

    I've posted on here several times (so very sorry!) about having taken my girls to the vet on Monday, December 2 in large part due to the fact that the frequency of their poops had gone down significantly. They were prescribed Bactrim (SMZ-TMP) to take twice daily in case it was the start of an...
  3. Shelby._.

    New Piggie + Vet Visit = Stress?

    So I have to bring my new piggie to the vet tomorrow because he is sneezing a lot and it is worrying me. I have only had him a few days and am worried about him being stressed as he is very skidish now and doesn’t like my hands near him. Does anyone have any tips to make him less stressed? I...
  4. Siikibam


    We think the boys have fleas, poor babies. Is the best course of action to take them to the vet? Hope they can fit them in soon! Help please ☹️
  5. MJG

    Infamous Vet Visit !

    So yesterday after a busy day at work I had to take Titan and Goliath to the vets (nothing serious thank god just a check up to check their weight , Titan also has a scar above his eye ( he had this when he chose me at p@h which is healing but as I'm a worry whale I wanted to get it checked lol...