
  1. ChubbyCarrots

    Will My Piggies Die?! -3 Degrees

    I have two 1 and 1/2 year old male guinea pigs, my garage is currently being redone so we can’t bring them in and my parents don’t want them in the house! It is -3 degrees outside and the snow is up to my knees, the hutch is on top of a run so I’m not worried about the snow hitting them but I’m...
  2. K

    Weather And Moving Inside

    so, it’s been decided.. my 3 boys will be occupying the downstairs bathroom until this weather clears! I can’t sleep knowing they are outside in the cold! Anything I should know? I’m worried about bringing them from a heated shed into a warm centrally heated house.. will it shock them or will...
  3. Mother Hubbard

    Weather Warning

    Just a reminder that it's going to get a bit blustery here in the UK overnight and in the early hours of tomorrow. So for all outdoor hutches, extra covers because of the wind chill, and securing them too. Plenty of hay to burrow under, any snuggle safes put in also. Move any items that could...
  4. coco&chanel

    Outdoor Run On Grass

    Hello, I have 2 pigs that live outside in a hutch. I let them into their run daily (weather permitting) with plenty of shade and tunnels/ houses etc. They have lots of safe grass to nibble on and food and water available. I was wondering how long I should leave them in their run for. Is there a...