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wet tummy

  1. Danielle Smith

    Ovarian Cysts Apparently Resolved, But Behaviour Continues + Other Physical Symptoms

    My girl Tablet started showing signs of ovarian cysts a few months ago after her babies were weaned; complete change of behaviour (previously very quiet, not the rumbling humping terror she is now), fat redistribution, crusty nipples. No noticeable hair loss, but she is a sheltie. I took her to...
  2. SixPigs

    Poorly Pig, 2 X Kidney Stones, Not Drinking Or Eating , Any Advice Please?

    Am new on here. Please help me. We have 5 guinea pigs and one of the eldest [4 1/2 yo] had stopped eating his veg and looked hunched and squinty eyes so we took to vet on Sat. He checked mouth [ok] and did bloods [all ok] and examined [all ok], but xray showed 2 kidney stones. I did see xray but...