
  1. L

    Tumor/ cyst on lip?

    My 6 month male baby guinea pig named Loco recently formed this hard, puss-like blotch under his bottom lip. I thought I was food at first so I wiped with with a warm face clothes but it would rip his fur off because of how stuck it is. What is this and how can I help him? He lives with another...
  2. T

    HELP: Yellow Sticky Discharge From Vagina

    My 1 year old female guinea pig has yellow sticky discharge from her vagina. She has shown no sign of pain when urinating, she is eating and drinking normally, she only showed signs of slight discomfort when wiping the discharge away with wet tissue. Does anyone know what could be the problem...
  3. CraigGlasgow

    Hibiscrub Safe For Sack Cleaning?

    Hey all, Just seen a new vet who seemed a bit confused about her meds (she mixed up septrin and emeprid several times until I pointed it out) and wanted to check something. Weasley's had a few good days but back to soft poops and calcium sludge, and has also started showing a thick, yellowish...