Anyone use aubiose as hamster bedding?

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I've considered using it for my gerbils in the past but haven't because I'm worried it's too sharp. I like to fill the tank up halfway so they burrow and it's too much of a risk if they get it in their eyes.

It might be different for hamster as they generally stay on top of the bedding, but I don't know. I personally don't think it's worth it if it just means you don't have to buy a pack of shavings.
Although I have used aubiose for the pigs and bunny trays in the past I didn't fancy putting in the hammies cages because it is quite sharp. One of our syrians likes to move his bedding around and I was a little worried he might hurt his cheek pouches.

We either use Carefresh or Megazorb with the hammies, they seem to like both.:)
I think Nelly is a bit of a fussy madam. I tried megazorb and I swear she sulked for days. She was much happier when I switched back to shavings and started digging about again.

I think Nelly is a bit of a fussy madam. I tried megazorb and I swear she sulked for days. She was much happier when I switched back to shavings and started digging about again.


:)):)):)):)) isn't it funny how they all have their own little ways?! Scampi sits and watches me whilst I put his house all back together when I've cleaned him out and then promptly starts to move all his shredded tissue around his cage! He has recently decided that this toilet (jam jar!) is a brilliant food storage area - quite disgusting!:))
:)):)):)) Yes, Nell does that! She keeps changing where her toilet and food storage areas are every time I do a clean out or just when she fancies it. Silly girl has now decided she doesn't want to pee on the shavings and carefully rakes it all up so she can pee on the plastic! rolleyes
I use it for my gerbils and never had a problem - although it looks quite sharp when you feel it its actually quite soft.
:)):)):)) Yes, Nell does that! She keeps changing where her toilet and food storage areas are every time I do a clean out or just when she fancies it. Silly girl has now decided she doesn't want to pee on the shavings and carefully rakes it all up so she can pee on the plastic! rolleyes

squeak does that to moves the shaving to pee on the plastic, she also seems to like to empty her food dish then sits in it to clean herself like a bath mallethead

strange little creatures.
I use megazorb for mine and they love to dig in it especially Daisy and the new addition Duke. Some of mine are really well litter trained especially the female dwarfs but the syrians like to wee on their food rolleyes
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