Apocolyptic guinea pig dream.

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
Whenever I dream, they are always apocolyptic nightmares - but I hate it when they involve my pigs. 8...

I went upstairs, opened my curtains, and the sky was black and purple. The whole valley was flooded and I knew the water would eventually reach our house. I grabbed the boy's veggie plate, thinking that I might as well let them "stock up" on veggies, but when I got to the kitchen I bumped into my dad, who asked me what I was doing. I was in such a state that I couldn't tell him, I couldn't talk or breathe. I knew that my boys were going to drown and I couldn't do anything about it. 8...
aw hunny HUGS. Its probably cos their your babies and your so scared of anything happening to them.

I sometimes DREAM we have a guinea pig we've had for months and forgotten about, and i find him upstairs with a mountain of poo and no food or water its horrible. Again, its because of a deep rooted fear I have concerning whether I have fed them all when i go out. (I always do!):))
How horrible...I had some odd dreams last night, not very nice ones, one of which involved my piggies :(, another was about an old pony of mine :(.

Hope your boys are all ok :))
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