ARGH!! A Rant

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Jun 1, 2009
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ARGH! I.. why are people soooo bloody slow in the head. I had a person reply to my ad about my foster boys. Here is the ad btw:

My name is Erin, I am a foster with The McDonald Family Animal Rescue. I am currently fostering two beautiful male guinea pigs. They both love to roam around on the floor with myself and my family. Stan and Harvey love to snuggle with you and will spend hours doing so as long as you give them pee breaks or you might end up with a wet spot!

Stan is a sweet little man who was rescued by a concerned individual from a neglectful petting zoo. He is missing one eye but does not let that bother him. He can be shy at first but once you pick him up he snuggles right into you. Stan is brown with golden and black threw out his fur. Around his bottom he has longer hairs that in my opinion make him look even sweeter. Stan's age is unkown but is guessed around two years of age, don't forget they can live for over 7 years so hes still a young man.

Harvey, he came from a good home but was was surrendered by his owner after being well cared for. He loves to run around and explore, as sometime during floor time he can find the most interesting things to see and get into, like my laundry *laughs*. Harvey is white with black around his eyes and cream patched over his body. His ages is around 6 to 7 months old, so he is still young.

These two must go together as they are a bonded pair and in being so they are used to each other. They come with food dish, water bottle, large igloo hide, and toy. Their adoption Fee is $25.00.

You can apply for adoption at the website :

OR email the rescue at:

We look forward to finding a forever home, with people to love and cuddle them.

Well a person replied to me (not the email or website I gave) I sent her the application which as 20 questions ( I took out the rescues information as I do not need that going around the net.)

Thank you for your interest in one of our guinea pigs! The following site is a detailed, easy to use resource to help you on your guinea pig research. We want to ensure that all of our animals go to knowledgeable homes, so please take your time! (Care Information on the right)
1. What should your guinea pigs diet consist of?
2. Which of those items should make up the majority of your guinea pig’s diet?
3. What are some appropriate treats and how often should they be given?
4. Will you keep your guinea pig indoors or outdoors?
5. What are the dimensions of the cage you intend to use?
6. Does your cage have a wire or solid bottom? If it has a wire bottom, how will you make it comfortable for the guinea pig?
7. What kind of bedding do you intend to use, and which are unsafe and not recommended?
8. How often will you clean your guinea pigs entire cage?

9. What is a safe cleaner to use for your guinea pig’s cage and accessories?
10. What will you give your guinea pig in his cage for enrichment and entertainment?
11. What will you give your guinea pig to chew on?
12. If you intend to let your guinea pig run around a room, how do you intend to pig-proof your room/house prior to letting the guinea pig out?
13. Are you willing to brush your guinea pig? How often?
14. How often should you clip your guinea pigs nails?

15. Do you intend to take your guinea pig outside?

16. What are the dangers that you must protect your guinea pig from while outside, and how will you keep him/her safe?

17. Are you prepared to take your guinea pig to the vet in the event of illness or injury?

18. What is a guinea pigs average lifespan? Can you see yourself having to give up your guinea pig during this period of time?

19. What will you do with your guinea pig when/if you go on vacation?

20. How long would you consider leaving your guinea pig at home alone for?

_______________________(To be completed upon adoption)______________________
I, __(print name)_____, attest that the information provided above on ‘The McDonald Family Animal Rescue and Sanctuary Guinea Pig Adoption Application’ is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, and I will do my utmost best to adhere to the standards and conditions of care.
Signature of Adopter:
McDonald Family Signature:

NOW these are my and her emails ( I'm going to remove ALL emails for safety)

Subject: RE: Reply to your "Adoption: 2 Bonded Male Guinea Pigs" Ad on Kijiji
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 18:01:57 -0600

I appreciate the fact that you guys want to find good homes, and I have 3 kids that would have loved them, but that’s a bit over the top. Sorry

-----Original Message-----
From: Erin Schimpf
Sent: August-27-09 5:51 PM
Subject: RE: Reply to your "Adoption: 2 Bonded Male Guinea Pigs" Ad on Kijiji

Well thats ok, the reason we have it so long is the fact that we are looking for forever homes that are willing to give the proper care to the animals and in doing such we have to make sure that people are well educated. Sorry that you feel the way you do I was hoping that stan and harvey were finally going to a forever home. Poor stan with his one eye need love, and harvey just loves to cuddle. Its truely a shame, But I know they will find homes soon. Thank you for taking the time to atleast look this all over.

You could try the SPCA I know they have some piggies. There Url which has pictures is:

I don't know if they house bonded pairs (which is ALWAYS best).

Hope you find a piggie that is right for you and your family.

Erin Schimpf


Subject: RE: Reply to your "Adoption: 2 Bonded Male Guinea Pigs" Ad on Kijiji
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 17:41:04 -0600

Wow, that’s quite the questionnaire. Not sure if I’m willing to go through that all. Sorry. I grew up in the country, with numerous animals (including guinea pigs). We’ve always got our animals from a rescue, and this is a first. I was animal control officer for 8 years. Good luck in finding homes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erin Schimpf []
Sent: August-27-09 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: Reply to your "Adoption: 2 Bonded Male Guinea Pigs" Ad on Kijiji

Thank you for your interest in Stan and Harvey. Both of them are still here at my home, as I said in my ad I am the foster mom, The rescue as an application process, so I will attach the Guinea Pig Application. Fill this out and send it to our main email so one of our rescues adoption people can start the processes. I'm also adding some links in here to help you out with your application as the questionaire. Here is the email (the rescues) so you can send them the completed application:

Here are the links:
(this is my personal Guinea pig website)
This has information on building a C&C cage, I will add that I DO NOT suggest joining the forum with this site as they are not very nice and I myself got banned for reasons I did not do. (alter ego accounts when I was alseep... seems odd.) If you would like I can give you the name of stores to where to buy the material.

I've also made a forum that is canadian based as well but we are still small and I'm currently working on the design. But your more than welcome to come check us out and join if you like.
[removed this link to my forum]

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at anytime.
Your friend,

Erin Schimpf foster mom of both Stan and Harvey

LIKE ARGH! SIGH ok my rant is over!
Oh love, how frustrating.............. malletheadmallethead
Surely people realise you can't just hand little Stand and Harvey over to anybody? sadly it seems not :(

They sound like two gorgeous little guys i hope you find a forever home for them soon.
From the girls and I we wish to send to them both xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>
Thanks Glynis, She just doesn't seem to get it. People who are like that and have the information right infront of them make me sooo frustrated!

The boys send some x>> back to you and the girls.
it's a pity they don't look at it sensibly.........i mean they'd not send their kids to just any day care centre or school would they? noooooooo :{

awwwwwwwww thanks, the girls love the kisses from all their mates from around the world x)x)x)x)x)
God what a pain,and its not that hard to fill it in,
its fir the safety of the piggies,if she couldnt be bothered to do that then she doesnt deserve piggies,not doubt she will go to the Petshop as its easier,
I hope your boys find a good home soon xxxxxxx
Words fail me. If she had the experience she says she does then she should know the answers. If she doesn't you gave her some websites so all she had to do was read them. if she can't be bothered to do that then would she be bothered to look after the piggies? I think these questionnaires are a good idea, at least then you can sift out the timewasters before you go to the effort of homechecking etc.
Start Time: 10:46

1. What should your guinea pigs diet consist of? Mainly a good quality hay which should make up about 80% of the guinea pigs diet (I prefer to feed Orchard Grass) and good quality pellets (I prefer Burgess Supa GP Pellets) that have sustained Vitamin C that will degrade slowly. Pigs should also get 1-cup of veggies a day, I like to split this ration into 1/2 cup per pig twice a day. The veggies should be varied and not too high in calcium. I am aware of the Ca:Ph ratio and it's importance.
2. Which of those items should make up the majority of your guinea pig’s diet? Hay. Hay and moar hay!
3. What are some appropriate treats and how often should they be given? Fruit is an appropriate treat, and some veggies can be considered a treat. If I'm feeling particularly "consumeristy" I'll get them something from pampered piggies since the owner of that shop is pretty cavy-aware and doesn't often have anything which is dangerous for pigs in her shop.
4. Will you keep your guinea pig indoors or outdoors? Indoors.
5. What are the dimensions of the cage you intend to use? I currently use a 2x5 C&C cage. If I were adopting I'd have the pig in a 2x2 quarantine cage in a separate room for two weeks and then create an environment appropriate a-la
6. Does your cage have a wire or solid bottom? If it has a wire bottom, how will you make it comfortable for the guinea pig? No wire bottoms.
7. What kind of bedding do you intend to use, and which are unsafe and not recommended? I use fleece, newspaper and megazorb. Pine bedding or wooden shavings that are dusty and haven't been appropriately treated are/is unsafe. As are some cat litters which the pigs may try to eat.
8. How often will you clean your guinea pigs entire cage? Once a week for a thorough, elbow-deep-in-vinegar clean.
9. What is a safe cleaner to use for your guinea pig’s cage and accessories? I use vinegar and water mixtures and bicarb of soda. I would only consider bleach in extreme circumstances in which case I would probably opt to throw out the correx before using bleach. I finish with a pet-friendly disinfectant.
10. What will you give your guinea pig in his cage for enrichment and entertainment? Cardboard. Hidey huts (wooden) and hay-in-a-bag and hay-in-a-toilet-roll and each other.
11. What will you give your guinea pig to chew on? Hay. Although I'm sure they'll take great delight in chewing up - EVERYTHING ELSE in the cage too - hence why the huts are wooden.
12. If you intend to let your guinea pig run around a room, how do you intend to pig-proof your room/house prior to letting the guinea pig out? Boxes or C&C grids.
13. Are you willing to brush your guinea pig? How often? Yes, but it's not always necessary.
14. How often should you clip your guinea pigs nails? Every 3 weeks for normal nails, once a week for overgrown nails.

15. Do you intend to take your guinea pig outside? If possible and if it's safe.

16. What are the dangers that you must protect your guinea pig from while outside, and how will you keep him/her safe? Dangers in the sky, other carnivorous pets and poisoned grass.

17. Are you prepared to take your guinea pig to the vet in the event of illness or injury? Of course.

18. What is a guinea pigs average lifespan? Can you see yourself having to give up your guinea pig during this period of time? Guinea pigs can live between 4 and 8 years. At present I can't see myself having to give up any of my guineas pigs, but unfortunate circumstances might arise and in that unlikely and unfortunate case I will take steps to find them a suitable home - through the rescue I adopted them from if contracted to do so.

19. What will you do with your guinea pig when/if you go on vacation? Boarding or family.

20. How long would you consider leaving your guinea pig at home alone for? No longer than is dangerous (no longer than a day without someone coming to check on them).

Finish Time: 10:58

I did get bored around about question 16 where I thought "WHAT!" then I realised that I was answering the questions without the motive to adopt from you and if I was answering with that motivation I'd probably be writing essay like answers.

In my opinion, a questionnaire which is just over 10 minutes to answer is absolutely fine. People answer ones which take damned longer on Facebook! If the potential adoptee use to work with animals they should understand themselves the stress rescuers are under to find decent homes for their animals and the importance of finding an informed or willing-to-learn home for animals which have probably come from a neglectful situation.

Wow Sheesh! You're incredibly knowledgeable. Can you explain what this Ca:pH ration is as I am not sure what it is? Thanks.
i agree it is not taxing and assuming you can read even if you knew nothing surely it would take less than 2 hours - lazy good for nothing people!
Thanks everyone. The lady emailed me again so I politely asked her what questions she had a problem with, just to see if she even read them, she said

Hi Erin,

Ok, I've forwarded this to my son. Seeing as he's the one who will be taking care of them, he's the one who should answer the questions. If he does this, I will forward it back to you. Sound good?

So I don't even think she read it. I'm not holding my breath on this "forward it back" because if that was the case it should have taken just over 10 min Even 20 min and she never got back to me last night.

I guess I'll just keep posting my ad and hopefully someone will love them soon.
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