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Ashley the chonky lady


New Born Pup
Oct 25, 2022
Reaction score
Norwich CT
For my baby girl, I’m so sorry you got so sick so soon and I couldn’t do more for you! My eldest ashley was perfectly fine the night before she ate her veggies and hay perfectly fine the next day she had really watery poops that soon became straight diarrhea, I called a vet they said to wait and see how she was by morning and give her some soil foods like hay and pellets. She would not eat not even a pinch of lettuce. I soon noticed her teeth were a lot longer then her sisters and wondered if she could be in pain from her teeth, I called the vet again and was told to try and give her water the best I could and get to my vet right away in the morning as the didnt think she was dying just in pain and having wet poops from the amount of lettuce and water she had the night prior. I syringe fed her water and cleaned her behind up before resting her in a fluffy blanket in her house. I woke up this morning to her in her go to laying position back legs out wide like a frog. She was gone but she went comfortably in a fluffy warm home surrounded by food, love, and her sister BJ. I miss her dearly and in the end she wasn’t herself I miss her bratty little attitude and the way I know she trusted me even if she was sassy. I miss her dearly and I never thought she would be the first to go, she was chonky and such a champ the whole time she was here! I know I will always blame myself but I can’t be too harsh she was 5 years old she lived a long happy life and I hope she is happy and healthy with her big brother Andy and little sister Betty Sue. I miss you all dearly and I’m sorry I didn’t do more in the time I had with you! Please forgive me for not being able to save you my loves. If I could stop the clock and change death itself I would. I really would.


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A lovely tribute to a beautiful little lady. Popcorn high over the rainbow bridge to reunite with your siblings Ashley ❤️🌈
For my baby girl, I’m so sorry you got so sick so soon and I couldn’t do more for you! My eldest ashley was perfectly fine the night before she ate her veggies and hay perfectly fine the next day she had really watery poops that soon became straight diarrhea, I called a vet they said to wait and see how she was by morning and give her some soil foods like hay and pellets. She would not eat not even a pinch of lettuce. I soon noticed her teeth were a lot longer then her sisters and wondered if she could be in pain from her teeth, I called the vet again and was told to try and give her water the best I could and get to my vet right away in the morning as the didnt think she was dying just in pain and having wet poops from the amount of lettuce and water she had the night prior. I syringe fed her water and cleaned her behind up before resting her in a fluffy blanket in her house. I woke up this morning to her in her go to laying position back legs out wide like a frog. She was gone but she went comfortably in a fluffy warm home surrounded by food, love, and her sister BJ. I miss her dearly and in the end she wasn’t herself I miss her bratty little attitude and the way I know she trusted me even if she was sassy. I miss her dearly and I never thought she would be the first to go, she was chonky and such a champ the whole time she was here! I know I will always blame myself but I can’t be too harsh she was 5 years old she lived a long happy life and I hope she is happy and healthy with her big brother Andy and little sister Betty Sue. I miss you all dearly and I’m sorry I didn’t do more in the time I had with you! Please forgive me for not being able to save you my loves. If I could stop the clock and change death itself I would. I really would.
So sorry for your loss💐
Sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for Ashley and she knew she was loved. Sleep tight Ashley x
I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye. But she clearly had a wonderful life and was so loved. What lovely pictures of her enjoying the sun! Treasure your memories, they will make you smile again soon 🧡