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Specialist Basal Cells

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
Plymouth, Whitleigh
Sandy has recently been through a very bad episode with mites and self inflicted wounds. She has also lost weight through this. About 2-3 weeks ago we noticed her lymph glands were slightly swollen under her 'armpits' but because she was already on ABs we were not overly concerned but earlier this week she had a check-up at the vets and it was found that all of her glands were swollen. So Sandy had a biopsy done, The results came back today and it isn't lymphoma ( huge surprise for me. I was expecting the worse). It was her basal cells. I don't think I took in all the information the vet gave me just the fact that theses types of lumps are normally benign and we don't have to do anything at the moment but monitor her. Anybody had dealings with these before I'm a little bit confused. Thanks. x
Basal cells are the deepest layer of the skin. How did the vet take the sample? Did they have her under anaesthetic and take a chunk or slice or did they pop a needle into it to take some cells this way?

I would have a chat about the samples with the vet to double check what they found, as it sounds more like contamination from the skin cells in the sample rather than a true sample of the lymph node (but I may be wrong)

Has she had any bloods to rule out anything else causing the weightloss?

Sandy is going in next week for a check-up so I will ask then. She hasn't had any blood taken yet the weight loss has happened slowly from the beginning of the xeno treatment (beginning of june). The weight loss has now evened out but we are supplementing her to try and bring it back up again.
Okay. It's just a thought. I would take the result with a pinch of salt as it may just be skin contamination.

Hope all goes well at the appointment, keep us posted.

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