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Bloaty Puggle again...

Sorry I missed this thread as I was away at the end of last week and didn’t have much time for the forum.
How is Puggle now?
Sorry I missed this thread as I was away at the end of last week and didn’t have much time for the forum.
How is Puggle now?
Puggle is fully recovered thank you, though the rest of the herd are a bit annoyed there's been no leafy veg served this week! They've had plenty peppers and cucumber and pea pods though plus some carrot and babycorn so I'm sure they aren't as malnourished as the wheeking suggests :)
Puggle is fully recovered thank you, though the rest of the herd are a bit annoyed there's been no leafy veg served this week! They've had plenty peppers and cucumber and pea pods though plus some carrot and babycorn so I'm sure they aren't as malnourished as the wheeking suggests :)
Can you show me, which pea pods are ok for guineas
Can you show me, which pea pods are ok for guineas
This is what we get, they keep fresh for ages and are nice in hooman stirfries or chopped up in piggy dinners :) they aren't their favourite thing but according to the nutritional info on the bag they are quite high in vit C and the piggies will eat them if there's nothing leafier going on! I've been feeding 2 chopped pods per piggy with a slice of red pepper each for their dinner this week :)
This is what we get, they keep fresh for ages and are nice in hooman stirfries or chopped up in piggy dinners :) they aren't their favourite thing but according to the nutritional info on the bag they are quite high in vit C and the piggies will eat them if there's nothing leafier going on! I've been feeding 2 chopped pods per piggy with a slice of red pepper each for their dinner this week :)
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Ah yes i have seen these. I will get some asap. Thanks
My lot prefer green beans to peapods although they will eat the peapods. They prefer kale and spinach of course which they don't get very often as loads of calcium in both. I get kale when I have to give Betsy a trim as it is the only thing that keeps her still enough for me to trim around her rather ample bum!
My lot prefer green beans to peapods although they will eat the peapods. They prefer kale and spinach of course which they don't get very often as loads of calcium in both. I get kale when I have to give Betsy a trim as it is the only thing that keeps her still enough for me to trim around her rather ample bum!
I feed kale about 2 times a week now. I just wet it first and then give them cucumber after.
This is what we get, they keep fresh for ages and are nice in hooman stirfries or chopped up in piggy dinners :) they aren't their favourite thing but according to the nutritional info on the bag they are quite high in vit C and the piggies will eat them if there's nothing leafier going on! I've been feeding 2 chopped pods per piggy with a slice of red pepper each for their dinner this week :)
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Sorry for the off-topic question, but why do you cut these up to feed? My girls aren’t really fans but will eat them if there’s nothing better going, I have just been putting them in whole though is that wrong?

Glad Puggle is feeling better

(Ps - my phone is desperately trying to autocorrect Puggle to Piggle!)
Sorry for the off-topic question, but why do you cut these up to feed? My girls aren’t really fans but will eat them if there’s nothing better going, I have just been putting them in whole though is that wrong?

Glad Puggle is feeling better

(Ps - my phone is desperately trying to autocorrect Puggle to Piggle!)
I cut them up because we have a herd of 6 piggies who steal each other's food and run off with it, so everything gets cut up into bite size pieces so no pig can get away with all their friends' veggies in one go! We have 6 food bowls but that's no deterrent to veggie theft (yes I'm talking about you fatty Clover and greedy Theo) :)
I cut them up because we have a herd of 6 piggies who steal each other's food and run off with it, so everything gets cut up into bite size pieces so no pig can get away with all their friends' veggies in one go! We have 6 food bowls but that's no deterrent to veggie theft (yes I'm talking about you fatty Clover and greedy Theo) :)

Haha ok phew! Was worried that there was some weird sugar snap pea-specific danger I’d not come across in my years as a piggie owner. Imagine with 6 it must be a bit of a riot, none of my 3 can eat quickly enough to really get more than their share!
Haha ok phew! Was worried that there was some weird sugar snap pea-specific danger I’d not come across in my years as a piggie owner. Imagine with 6 it must be a bit of a riot, none of my 3 can eat quickly enough to really get more than their share!
Mine are like a pack of wolves and I can only put 2 food bowls down at once, so the first 2 bowls are emptied of the best veg in 3 seconds before the next 2 go in... so each slice of pepper gets chopped into 3 pieces, each peapod into 3 pieces, each baby corn into 6 pieces... so there were 42 bite size bits of veg tonight which should mean everypig gets a bit of everything!
Mine are like a pack of wolves and I can only put 2 food bowls down at once, so the first 2 bowls are emptied of the best veg in 3 seconds before the next 2 go in... so each slice of pepper gets chopped into 3 pieces, each peapod into 3 pieces, each baby corn into 6 pieces... so there were 42 bite size bits of veg tonight which should mean everypig gets a bit of everything!
I do the same. Otherwise Mavis would eat only red pepper.