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Hahaha I only buy Celery for Rodney too cos I hate it! In fact my fridge is FULL of stuff I hate, yet makes me look very healthy inbreeding

He likes to have it in the evening for dinner, he has certain things he likes in the morning and certain things he likes for dinner. He's very particular! Haha
Great! grrrrSo now I learn you are supposed to feed them more than once a day. mallethead We always have pellets and Timothy hat available and feed them a lot in the morning. drool I had no idea they were supposed to be fed like that more than once. :{ They are pretty chubby so I doubt they are hurting for food.:aLJFBQ00151070111C:
Before I learned about the various kinds of veggies you could give piggies, I mainly gave Gilbert celery. So once I introduced new foods, he wouldn't go back to the celery!mallethead But now that I don't give him celery often, he'll eat it when I do.

I don't think I"ve ever tried mangoes with Gilbert, but he eats melons. :)
Mangos. Thats one I was going to ask about. Thanks IloveGilberttheguineapig. How about papaya? I give those to our sugar gliders and it always goes bad before we can use it all but if they can have it, great. If not, boo.
Hahaha I only buy Celery for Rodney too cos I hate it! In fact my fridge is FULL of stuff I hate, yet makes me look very healthy inbreeding

our fridge is exactly the same, our salad draw is always full but we rarely eat anything from it :-)
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