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Congested Sounding Piggy

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Canada, British Columbia, Maple Ridge
Hi I'm Erin I currently own two female pigs and 4 male pigs anyway my oldest pig who is 4 is sounding very congested now I know I have to get him to a vet asap cause it could be something very serious like URI but I can't get to my vet until Monday and there is so few vets around me who are knowledgable about Guinea Pigs so is there anything I can do for Gilbert to make him more comfortable till I can get him to my vet and get him some help, he's still eating, drinking and talking and playing with his toys in fact he's just like himself except he's very congested sounding and he lost some whieght I only noticed it right this second as I was laying in my bed, I've made the appointment for Monday and his cage is clean I clean thier cages every three days and spot clean them once sometimes twice a day so yea any help would be much appreciated.

Mama to Gilbert, Hodgins, Blitz and Smudge (boys) and Pie, Tazo (girls)
Please have him seen and checked by a vet.

As he is still eating and perky, I would not quite panic yet. Is the congestion coming from his nose, throat or lungs? You can get a bit of an idea just by holding your ear next to those parts. if the congestion is coming all from the lungs, I would recommend to see a vet sooner if possible. If the congestion is coming from the nose, then it can just be that something has been irritating it and made it stuffy, like sticking the nose into a dust pocket in the hay.

What you can do until then:
- place a bowl of steaming water next to the cage
- top up with hand feed and water (the need to breathe comes before the need to drink and thirdly the need to eat)
- up his vitamin C intake to strengthen the immune system
- make sure that you have got probiotics at home, as you are likely to be given an antibiotic.
Hope you have managed to get the little man into a vet, sending healing vibes!
Yes I got him to the vet today at 11, my regular vet gave me antibiotics to give him for 5 days he says he dident sound to contested and I should just keep an eye on him.
He is still perky and himself still eating, drinking, playing with all his toys, talking and being a sweet boy like he always is but I was just worried for him, it sounds like the conjested sound is just his nose but I still am giving him the antibiotics just in case
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