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Dental Problems

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Thank you, you are all so kind. It's nice to get some moral support.

I've lost count how many times i've been told 'it's only a guinea pig.'

Well i went back to my local vet last night armed with information on the best antibiotics for cookie if she had a possible root abscess.
I was told that what ever i Googled is wrong and that he wants to put under GA to have a look in her mouth because she can't close it. I had a look and her front teeth dont meet but is that because vedra filed them on Friday? I am not sure what they should look like after filing.
He also implied that if she died under GA it wouldn't be a bad thing.

I have added a post the TGPV list asking if anyone knows of a good piggie vet nearer to me.

Thanks x
I had a piggie come to me who couldn't close his mouth, yet his front teeth didn't meet. The reason - his very back teeth were so long they were forcing his jaw apart. No-one had picked up on this, yet Simon immediately saw what the problem was. I really think it would worth getting him to take a look and in the meantime you can try and find a closer vet. Something needs to be done soon though.
He also implied that if she died under GA it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Ive had vets say similar rather insensitive things to me about my animals over the years ..... and without fail each animal wasnt as bad as they thought .... seems sometimes they right animals off without thinking IMO,

Hope you find a better vet - Simon sounds really good :)

buldging eye

Iv'e read a vetinary article about overgrown teeth. Apparently according to the research when piggies go for substancial amount of time not eating properly with overgrown teeth that (i cant remember whether is caused by or causes) the muscle jaw is weakened. There proved to be a cure called a chin sling made from neoprene that the piggies wear and the muscle improves and the piggies begin eating again alongst regular trimming. I'll try finding the article for you....maybe this could be a possibility?
If the problem is diagnosed as definatly teeth....persevere....and don't give up no matter how many people claim is just a guinea pig :(. I nursed one of my boys day and night, for 5 months, a vet near me took xrays which showed he had inflammation in his jaw bones caused by his teeth, which were only slightly overgrown. Then a few weeks later the whole not eating began again. I tried everything and only time heeled him. I went from scotland to Vedra and she found nothing wrong with him....teeth and all. I persevered and can only assume that with his jaw bones his teeth need to be kept really good and slight overgrowth causes lots of pain. So he only gets tough vegetables and he has been fine ever since. I went against everyone's advice as I knew he wanted to eat and wasnt ready to go, Ive had piggies I know are just ready to leave me.
Keep going and take him to Simon, it sounds like its the last and only hope. Good luck because I desperatly need a Simon in Scotland for my poorly boy, hes gone downhill the last two days and now completly puffed up and off everything and I cant afford a vet that will make me put him under GA to even check his teeth :( and all the vets try antibiotics before they even suggest the GA. Arggghhhh lack of vets for guinea really frustrated me :(. Started syringing with priobotic and vit c added, but I have only one dose of antibiotic so I cant even start him on that incase its an infection I need a full dose.
Its so worrying living with a poorly piggie so big*hugs*
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