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Dental probs - help needed

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Staff member
Nov 10, 2009
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One of our pigs is experiencing dificulty in eating once again.

On a previous visit to the Vet in September she had her bottom teeth filed back under GA, the vet said he couldn't see that they where very overgrown but filed down a tooth that was digging in tongue and everything seemed to be fine until early this week.

She has lost 30g off her previous lowest weight over 3 days, she is eating some food but very slowly and dropping other bits, pawign at mouth and moving her jaw exactly how it was before.

I remember soemwhere on the forum mention of a person within the Wolverhampton/Birmingham area that can look at piggles teeth without GA, does anyone knwo there name/contact details.

Also could it be anything else other than teeth causing eating problems., she wants to eat but doesn't seem to be able to. At the momnet Crisp cabbage seems the only thing been eaten as well as hay, she is leaving parsley and celery leaves which are her favourite.

I can offer you much advise here, I'm not sure on the vet, but hopefully someone will.

As for the teeth, its unfortunate that some piggies, especially when they get older have teeth problems continuously.

Pitch had GA for dental yesterday after declining in weight dramaticaly Sunday/Monday.

the vet said she didn't have too much wrong with teeth but stressed that different pigs react differently to teeth been overgrown and due to the mastication when chewing food it was likely to be dental related. She came round form GA well and was eating last night slowly but surely.

Hwoever today she has stopped eating. She is still pooing. I have taken her back to vets who gave her painkilling injection in case her mouth is sore but alas still no eating.

I am just off to local vets to get some critical care, to do the dreaded syringe feed, we failed badly at this the other day when trying. She has lost 80g since yesterday and looks very lethargic. She has gone from 1030g to 890g withing a week.

I don't know what else to do, I feel I've let her down by failing at syringe feeding, but am so scared about hurting her or it going down the wrong way into her lungs, she's such a wriggly little pig.
You can try Daktarin oral gel to help her mouth if it is sore, you can buy it at the chemist but don't say it's for a guinea pig. Often they are too uncomfortable to eat when they've been through that sort of procedure.

With the syringe feeding, you need to be quite firm. It can help to wrap them in a towel or pillow case to give you more control, and go in from the side of the mouth. What syringe are you using? I find a small 1ml syringe with the tip cut off is best... you will end up wearing some of it, that's normal!

You will need to syringe water as well as the critical care.

If you go the chemist, you could also get some Metatone tonic, this can kick start their appetite and generally perk them up a bit.

Try this:


and this
http://www.gorgeousguineas.com/documents/Syringe Feeding.pdf

Do you have transport as there is a very good rodentologist within travelling distance of you. Will check teeth etc without Ga
Hi Toffee, can you PM me details please. Neither of us drive unfortunately (must do that this year) But there are kind family members with lifts.
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