Aww bless you.
I hope your a better sister than my daughter is to her younger sister lol
They fight like cat & dog and then they're the best of friends until it kicks off again.
Does your mum know what sex the baby is?
Goodluck and congratulations in advance x
Aww that's lovely, I had to find out with both of mine...can't help it I'm a bit of a control freak:x
I'm sure boy or girl they'll be totally adorable I x)x)babies.
Are we gonna see pics? I do hope so.
aww good luck to you mum, is she due 2moz or going in to have baby 2moz?
Congratulations to your mum. New babies are so adorable =)
My little nephew or niece is due sometime this month. I'm quite excited.
yer i think they are so sweet, good luck to the mum !:rose