Fresh herbs

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Little Piggles

Senior Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
Sunny Bolton, UK
I apologise if this has been asked before but...

My piggles love parsley and have recently discovered corriander too. However, I'd like to offer more fresh herbs to give them a bit of variety in their diet but I'm not sure what they are likely to eat and enjoy.

I'm just after advice on what is suitable and how often they can have them (they have parsley a few times a week but would probably eat it til it came out of their ears if I let them! :)) What fresh herbs your piggies like to munch on?

Thanks in advance

Michelle x xx>>>
Mine LOVE parsley too x) the curly seems slightly preferred over the flat leaf. They also enjoy coriander and mint, but it did take a couple of goes. They always go gaga for basil and dill, just like parsley it was love at first taste! That's all the herbs I've tried them on so far, no garden I'm afraid :( Hope this helps a bit.
Thanks so much for all of the fast replys guys!

I'll grab some basil and mint when we go shopping. Hopefully they'll take to it.

Think I may try and grow a little herb garden in the spring for them, it's costing me a fortune in parsley! :))

Thanks again

Shell x
oh i didnt think they could have mint, i have a mint plant on the kitchen window sill i`ll have to go get them some :) can they have chives?
i might try mint again! they shuddered last time though! so did the bunnies! :))

can't have chives i don't think.
yes, thyme is ok, but as with everything, in moderation and balanced with the other veg etc. (lauras calcium/phosporus rate thingy!)
All the herbs that I know are safe for guineas include:


Rosemary has been tentatively tasted but it's not really worth trying to introduce it - the other herbs are the better ones for them! Oregano has also been fed safely, I believe, but I've only heard of pigs in the USA taking to it.

In terms of quantities, coriander is a staple food for my pigs i.e. they are given a handful of it every day. When parsley or dill is on the menu they have a couple of sprigs daily for the week, but it is balanced with a slightly lower calcium food and I usually give them a week off those very high calcium herbs.

I save the other herbs as treats. Most pigs seem to dislike chives (one sow I had would not go near a plate full of her favourite veg if there was so much a a couple of chives mixed in with them).
I don't think they are allowed it every day but I have only tried mine on basil, parsley and coriander. They love all of them but I think basil is their favourite as they ate it out of my hand, there is only that and green pepper that does it. :(|)
handy hint - always look in the reduced section!
i'm off to morrisons now, just before they shut to see if there are any herbs left.
Also if you not buying them from the reduced section (cheap cheap), we have found buying herbs from the local veg stall in the covered market better - they are cheaper than t**cos and seem to be a better quality and last longer, and no nasty plastic wrapping to recycle.

Try your local Market and Grocers: Good for the environment, good for your wallet, buying local, better food, happier piggies!

i'll get off my soap box now :))
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