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Growing Your Own

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Lettuce paranoia :P :P No problem :D I find it really easy to grow, just keep it well watered and in a sunny spot and put some closh around the base of the planter so the slugs don't climb up.
OMG I just went to check my planter and one of my courgettes is flipping huge... it must be nearly the size of a newborn baby lol! :)) I'm shocked. They are supposed to be black beauty ones but this is most decidedly green... but seeing as one courgette could probably feed a family for a week :)) I won't complain!
Oooh, very nice! We have peas now and cucumbers and starting to grow :)
The only thing growing well in my garden at the moment is potatoes and I didn't plant any this year so goodness knows where they came from!
Have picked my first handful of beans this week, they were lovely, the boys had one each too.
Last year I bought some little half dead sweet corn plant at homebase just to try and they ended up growing great! The leaves and husks were the guinea pigs favourite things EVER. They went nuts! I bought full price plants this year and only one has survived (the rest are pitiful). Oh well! Might try them again next yeast. All that has worked well this year: lettuce (a few types), carrots, sugar snap peas, strawberries. Last year everything grew well but we've had a cold summer where I am this year.
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