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Guinea pig true stories


Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
TNQ, Australia
I'm sure there are many funny guinea pig related true stories. If you have any funny stories about your piggy, feel free to share them here!
One of my guinea pigs, Daizy, was out having floor time one day. She started popcorning like crazy in circles all around the room and then ran straight into my metal trashcan! It was quite funny the way she bounced back and shook out her head and then my other pigs ran over to her like they were concerned about her.
My piggy does that too! 🤣 Zooming frantically around the room until he hits something!
I have a door on my piggy's indoor pen that he can walk out of onto the floor. And every morning I open the door, and he'll walk to the fridge where I get his veggies out of! 😂 He'll learn things quickly when there's food involved. 🥕
How about the time when Stella was eating some lettuce and Clover tried to get a bite? Stella squeaked in protest, lifted her bum, and sprayed Clover in the face with pee :))

Okay okay, sorry Clover, I shouldn't laugh! 🤣 🤣 🤣 Stella really got you that time, didn't she? :roll: :whistle: