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Guinea pig won’t eat and Every breath’s


New Born Pup
Mar 29, 2020
Reaction score
One of my guinea pigs died last night and now my other one is heavily breath’s and is refusing to eat because I put food in the bowl about 4 hours ago and there is the same amount of food left. What should I do?
One of my guinea pigs died last night and now my other one is heavily breath’s and is refusing to eat because I put food in the bowl about 4 hours ago and there is the same amount of food left. What should I do?


Please contact a vet as soon as possible; ideally asap!

Our emergency guide has information on what you can do (including how to find a vet) and how to look after a piggy: Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Here is what you can do for a dying piggy if you can't see a vet in time: A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

Do you have a working gas alarm in your flat/house?
So willow is doing fine now his breathing is better but he is not not really eating. Is there anymore food that I can give him besides the pebbles and hay?
I have merged your threads. Please keep everything to this one thread to help us help you.
Please have him seen by a vet. In the meantime please ensure his nutrition is maintained by syringe feeding. I will post links to the guides for you.
So willow is doing fine now his breathing is better but he is not not really eating. Is there anymore food that I can give him besides the pebbles and hay?

Please see a vet as soon as possible. Not eating is one of the red alert symptoms, together with heavy breathing.
Have you checked for potential gas in your flat/house? Guinea pigs are much more sensitive to it.

In the meantime please follow the advice in our emergency, crisis and bridging care guide; you can improvise feed with mushed up pellets but you also need to ensure that your piggy is drinking as much as he wants to.
You monitor the food intake by weighing daily at the same time and adjust the top up feed as necessary.
It is important that you keep your piggy fed as otherwise the gut will slow and eventually close down.
This guide link will talk you through the practical details: Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment