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Have you ever?....

Yes - in the actual cake,
No - I don’t decorate cakes

Have you ever stared at the contents of the fridge and wondered what to make for dinner
Yes, but more for what to eat right then.

Have you ever wanted to learn a skill(ie. crochet, or painting)?
Yes - but have learnt that those kind of craft skills are beyond me!

Have you ever finished a book and then been disappointed that the author’s next book isn’t out yet

have you ever made a to-do list to get loads done in a day and by the end of the day you'd done about 2 things off the list?
Yep - it's just so easy to procrastinate!

Have you ever been so happy to finish a job, only to find more of it to do?
Yes - the story of my life

Have you ever had a washing machine break down while still full of water
Yes - the story of my life

Have you ever had a washing machine break down while still full of water
Oh my god YES! I had to drain it manually and it was soooo annoying. Hubby had to buy a new one and we had to go to his cousins' at Ellesmere Port to wash our clothes that week while waiting for the new one.

Have you ever had the time you want to eat but not sure what it is you want, so you try to eat some food you have but it still didn't satisfy you?
Yes. All the time. That has been happening more now with the pandemic then ever before!

Have you ever gone more than a week without bathing? :lol!:

Have you ever hurt your back so badly all you could manage for 6-8 weeks was to sit on the sofa with a hot water bottle in the small of your back and you had to sleep sat up because it hurt far too much to lie down?
Yes - although not quite that badly

Have you ever looked at the housework and decided it will still be there tomorrow
Yes - all the time!

Have you ever agreed to something not realising how much work would be involved?
Yes. I feel like this is an easy thing to do as we often have misconceptions about time. RIP.

Have you ever use the opposite gender/sexes bathroom because yours was taken/line too long?
Yes. I feel like this is an easy thing to do as we often have misconceptions about time. RIP.

Have you ever use the opposite gender/sexes bathroom because yours was taken/line too long?
Yes..when we watched Take That in Anfield in 2019, the queues for the women's toilets was soooo long. Some of the men who saw us told us just go to the men's cubicles coz theirs are empty. So some of us went there. 😁

Have you ever worn pajamas the whole day?
No but still have stuff to look through since we moved in 15 months ago.

Have you ever had to watch/sit there while you had to pretend you were interested when in fact you had to stop yourself falling asleep?
This is when I discovered the blessing of Zoom - I could do other things while appearing to be present and attentive :D

Have you ever performed in public
Yes years ago I was in an amateur dramatics play with a whole 6 lines!

Have you ever had to tell a white lie to be kind to someone?