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Have You Noticed Common Piggie Names

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My Lola is a very common name, I've mostly seen dogs called Alfie - not piggies. ;)
I Had Andy and Murray andy is now over rainbow bridge, capt Jack sparrow, also over rainbow bridge. So now it Murray and DARIUS. Any one got a piggy called Darius x
Just like common/popular human names, I've notice that there is common piggie names when reading threads on this forum. I've seen other folks with same piggie names such as mine... Peanut, Snowball, Pumpkin but have not read/seen a piggie name Skittles or Aristotle :D

i have a 19-20yr old bristlenosed ancistrus (aquarium catfish) called Aristotle :))
Not heard of many Aristotles though :)
I have an Ellie (very popular) she was called that when I got her &Grace after an eccentric aunt Grace I had that always ran off at great speed doing zoomies so G-uinea RACE :)
Oh the furball not my aunt doing zoomies :))
When I first got my girls I took ages to decide on names. I decided on Honey and Daisy due to their colours (Honey - Brown and tan. Daisy -white and tan) then I joined this forum and over the years I have seen a fair few Daisys and also a couple of Honeys! I named my newest piggy Maple which is slightly less common I think!
I actually have seen those names somewhere on here....
I believe it's only my Sister & I with Pumpkin & Peanut.... And everyone knows that.;)
Never come across another Pitch and Putt (RIP) who were our first piggies. Treacle (RIP) and Cookie are popular names. Never met another Megan (RIP) but I expect others have. Vimto and Sarsaparilla seem pretty unique . We thought Widget would be too but @katanamoon has her widget as well. Great minds think a like.
I have Pumpkin, Boo, Hector Plasm and Jack Skellington.

Previous pigs were Toffee (Buffy) Ripple (Willow) Honey, Evangeline, Antonia,Caroline, Aztec, Moche, Rufus and Sebastian, Bubble and Squeak, Nelson and Napoleon, Patch.
I got twix and mars already named and continued the trend after twix passed away. I now have mars, nugget and popcorn. I also had malteser the hamster but she passed away and now we have coconut the hamster :). All my rodent names are moonlight, misty, mars, twix, nugget, popcorn, malteser and coconut. My friend has a boy pig called misty but I have never come across guinea pigs named twix but I think I may have seen on YouTube guinea pigs called mars, nugget or popcorn (possibly spelt differently) but I can't be sure :).
We have had a few odd Guinea Pig name in the past. Our first was a Stripes, and then we had a Fruitloops or Fruity for short (I am pretty sure I picked that name as a joke and it just stuck!) After that we had the brothers Huey and Stuey and now Poe. Suffice to say I have never met another Guinea pig called Fruitloops. However, i am pretty sure there is a Poe on this forum and i know of other Huey and Stuey's (and louis) named by the same shelter.
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