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I am nervous :(


Forum Donator 2023/24
Jul 29, 2017
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mansfield UK
My little Millie has been on Metacam and Sulfatrim for 2 weeks and I took her to the vets this morning for a check up only to receive worrying news. It seems she has a lump in her womb which has to be removed. I am worried not only due to anaesthetic problems with piggies, but my beautiful Bertie travelled to the rainbow bridge while under anaesthetic, but he was the same age as she is now. I know I should not be a wreck, but I am in tears even now (2 weeks before the op) at the thought of it. Please send her your healing vibes and best wishes for the 26th
All the very best for Millie and I hope all goes well with the op. And hugs for you.
I know how you feel is horrible. On the day try and stay busy to keep your mine if it. I hope all goes well ❤️
How old is Milllie? Betsy is 4 and had a successful emergency spay at the beginning of Lockdown. I'm hoping Millie will be OK too. Have a hug cos you need one (socially distanced of course!) :hug:
My little Millie has been on Metacam and Sulfatrim for 2 weeks and I took her to the vets this morning for a check up only to receive worrying news. It seems she has a lump in her womb which has to be removed. I am worried not only due to anaesthetic problems with piggies, but my beautiful Bertie travelled to the rainbow bridge while under anaesthetic, but he was the same age as she is now. I know I should not be a wreck, but I am in tears even now (2 weeks before the op) at the thought of it. Please send her your healing vibes and best wishes for the 26th

It is always tough when you are facing up to another operation or same diagnosis after one that has ended with a fatality. Having the jitters is perfectly normal. Please try to tell yourself that without the operation Millie would die surely but more slowly while with the operation she has a very real chance of a full recovery and living a few years longer. ;)

Please use Mindfulness exercises to turn your negative thoughts into focussing on calming yourself down and concentrating on the positives and on sending Millie green healing thoughts instead of upsetting her with your fears. Just because it has happened once, it doesn't mean that it is necessarily going to happen again!

My Cariad needed an emergency spay for a grossly enlarged fluid filled and borderline pyometric (potentially deadly infection of the womb lining) womb which also showed a lump. She had just been through a full bladder stone op a few months ago, needed regular bladder flushes and was down to 700g. It was my first spay after one that had gone wrong years ago due to a basic mistake with another vet. Despite my apprehensions, Cariad sailed through her op and didn't even lose any weight. I've never had a spayed sow making such a quick recovery despite another four spaying ops in the years since.
I hope that this helps you.
Your anxiety is perfectly normal - you love your piggies.
We’ll be rooting for Millie and a successful surgery.
Holding you in my heart
Best wishes for Millie, sending big hugs to her and to you. I'd be the same as you. 🤗