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I swear, I live amongst a pile of juveniles without an adult in sight.


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Nov 26, 2016
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So, my neighbours.

I mean we have the two that are usually constantly screaming and arguing with each other with one being regularly "removed" (one of our staff members claimed to have removed him once. Nobody who heard this who knows the people involved believes this happened at all. It's more likely that their partner made sure they left the building and didn't come back for quite some time.) but here's the thing - they're not the biggest problem!

Yeah, that's been a bit of a curve ball for all of us.

So there's a few of my neighbours like a drink or twenty, there's another few do various drugs. If these people could just...stick to that? Fine, whatever. Nothing impinging on me, they leave me well enough alone, and I can say I don't know who does what. But they can't do this. Of course they can't. And when the proverbial hits the fan as it regularly does, it devolves into mud slinging and everyone blaming everyone else for the stuff they themselves have done. And the particular neighbour I'm thinking of is the worst for it, and I'm at my limit of patience for explaining this TO THEM as they're sitting going, "Well I know I did it but they did it too so why am I the only one getting in trouble?!" as if that magically absolves them of any wrongdoing.

Neighbour C (NC as I'm now going to refer to them) sat for months saying we should lose two of the staff we had because they're old (not my words) and we need younger staff who can be around more and not off sick as much. When pointed out that this could very well mean we get new staff members very much like our final member of permanent staff (and who NC can't stand at all), NC's words "Well that'd be better than nothing." One of the "old" staff came back after being off about 12 weeks. Now NC never wants to deal with anyone else because the "old" staff member (actually both) are great and know exactly what they're doing rather than that (insert your own colourful expletive in here) staff member can't stand.

Confused yet? Welcome to my daily life.

NC has been spending a few days recently, up all day and night drinking and then topping that off with, at some point, picking an obvious fight with one of the Argumentative Pair. I can't repeat what NC says here. I mean, I swear a lot, and even I can't find a way to make those conversations safe for work. NC get vicious, nasty, and honestly the fact nobody's thrown punches at NC yet speaks to self control I wasn't aware they possessed. How it's all everyone else's fault, and NC's going to put them in hospital if they try anything, sneering, jeering, screaming - and frequently long after everyone else has locked their doors and put them on ignore.
NC is at least partly unhappy because apparently Argumentative Pair snitched on NC to the staff about NC and a couple of others taking drugs. According to NC, Argumentative Pair are trying to make themselves out to be saints, that they've had no part of this when the opposite is true, because this is all about how NC is so hard done by. And apparently Argumentative Pair shouldn't have said anything because once everyone's slept on it they're friendly again when they wake up, so why are Argumentative Pair trying to make such a big deal about it? That's just how NC deals with things and we should just let them get on with it.
That staff member NC really doesn't like, btw - NC crossed the threshold into verbal assault, the kind the police can and do get involved with, a couple weeks back. Like just screaming many, many unrepeatable things about family members, questionable paternity, and then several threats thrown in at the end for good measure. Why do I know this? Because when NC got the warning letter for it, NC predictably flipped out, read a couple of us the letter, then sat and insisted that the staff member was all of the above and more. And then insisted, reading through the letter, "I never said that! I never did that!" Except the bits they never said and never did, the letter didn't accuse them of doing. The letter, at that point, was listing off the parts of the lease NC signed that they'd broken along with pointing out the only reason the police didn't get called was because the staff member refused to call them. But does NC think themselves lucky to be getting off with a written warning.

Do they heck.

According to NC we've been abandoned, I mean, "We've all get mental health (sic), they refuse to help us!"

NC is in their fifties. How does anyone get this far in life thinking this is in any way appropriate? There's only so many times I can roll my eyes in a day, y'know?
Sounds like a soap opera. Try and keep out of it if you can. Obviously that’s easier said than done.
Sounds like a soap opera. Try and keep out of it if you can. Obviously that’s easier said than done.

I'm the only one they're all talking to half the time. They aren't children, why act like it, y'know? It's up there with saying awful things about people and saying "well I have no filter" when called on it. It's not an excuse, stop pretending it is.

That Billy Connolly saying comes to mind, "more to be pitied than scolded", but I'm sure I'd be thinking something else if it was my neighbours!

Mind reading isn't a thing and you can't believe how grateful I am for it, lol.
So, when are you moving out again? :hmm: I still think you would be able to write an interesting book dealing with all the interesting people that live in your building.