Junior Guinea Pig
Some advise please:
I have adopted patch (approx 18mths old) from the RSPCA, they neutered him on 1st September, the nice lady told me his stitches are dissolvable type, and that his 'bits' were swollen post op and that is nothing to worry about.
Here we are 3 weeks post op and his 'bits' look the same as when he came to live here.
He is eating ok, though he rarely drinks (unlike my girls who drink a lot).
I have also noticed he scratches a fair bit (his sides mainly) so should I bathe him in the johnsons lice/ mite/ flea shampoo.
Just to point out, he is separated from the sows currently.
He is my only boar, I have 4 sows, so I am a bit unsure as to what his privates should look like! Is this right or does he need to see a vet?
Here is a picture:
I have adopted patch (approx 18mths old) from the RSPCA, they neutered him on 1st September, the nice lady told me his stitches are dissolvable type, and that his 'bits' were swollen post op and that is nothing to worry about.
Here we are 3 weeks post op and his 'bits' look the same as when he came to live here.
He is eating ok, though he rarely drinks (unlike my girls who drink a lot).
I have also noticed he scratches a fair bit (his sides mainly) so should I bathe him in the johnsons lice/ mite/ flea shampoo.
Just to point out, he is separated from the sows currently.
He is my only boar, I have 4 sows, so I am a bit unsure as to what his privates should look like! Is this right or does he need to see a vet?
Here is a picture: