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Isolated Hair Loss (maybe caused by hay fever?)

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Jun 22, 2011
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My guinea pig has a bit of isolated hair loss. The skin there looks perfectly healthy though. Could it be caused by her hay fever? Kind of in the same way eczema is common for those who suffer sever seasonal allergies in humans?
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Some more info and a pic may help - when did you last treat for mites, any history of fungal skin problems, age, how long have you had your pigs, any new arrivals recently? Please list all symptoms, physical and behavioural.

The more info you give the more targeted the advice can be, if you are at all unsure of how to diagnose skin conditions a cavy savvy vet is always better than forum members giving an educated guess. Hairloss from allergies is not common.

If you give your location hopefully there is a good vet that can be recommended to you. Once you have a confirmed diagnosis more relevant advice can be given.

Suzy x
I'll take a pic soon.

We haven't had her treated for mites, and she's never had any fungal or bacterial problems. My guess is she's about 2 and a half years old (she wasn't an adult when I rescued her). I've had her for about 2 years. No new arrivals... Everyone in my house has allergies (even the dog) *hay fever*. She just itches more than usual. Her skin is clear, not dry, and healthy looking. She does sneeze whenever we stir up dust or I put new hay in there (it makes her cage really dusty). Her eyes are clear and healthy and so is her nose. Her behavior is the same it has always been, with all of her little quite quirks :).

Anchorage Alaska. My parents have already said if anything is wrong with her they aren't taking her to the vet so I better take care of her so she doesn't get sick. I hope I can convince them to take her to the vet though.
Hi love you might find if you give your hay a good shake away from her area and before putting into her cage it will help re the dust :)
Like Suzy said if you could take a pigture of her and her hair loss areas it will help them to advise you :)

on another note.....sorry to hear about the allergies in the household :(
i'm an eczema sufferer so understand about the itchies!
One of the most common causes for hairloss is mites, followed by fungal (ringworm).

You may find this link very useful - http://www.guinealynx.info/hairloss.html

Guinea Lynx is a US based site and so the product info will be more relevant to you than the UK names I can give you for treatments.

Suzy x

I'm sure one of the girls will make a comment when they wake up tomoro for you love.....
is it possible to part the hair a little more? just trying to get the best pics so they can advise :)
I could try, I had to part it with one hand while I held the camera in the other hand (very large camera). It's the closest I could get to the skin otherwise if I got closer, it wouldn't be able to focus.

By the looks of that, and it is hard to tell from pics, I would say it is either an old bite wound/scratch that now won't grow hair from the scar tissue; Or she has a current skin problem and it is a fresh scratch, though as it is pale and the skin is not broken by the looks of it from the pic I would say it is probably a healed skin lesion.

However, I would recommend treating for mites as she is scratching more than usual, either using a spot on treatment or an insecticidal shampoo designed for small animals. Some mites and lice are carried by hay so it is quite common for piggies to get them at some point in their lives.


Suzy x
She's a lone guinea pig (so I make sure to cuddle her tons!), so no bites or scratches inflicted by other pigs. (I've never seen a bite or scratch on her anyhow).

I'll see about the mite and lice shampoo.

Could it be because she is bored?
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