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Low calcium water?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have read here that a few people recommend Morrisons still water as it is very low in calcium. Unfortunately I do not have a morrisons near me so can anyone suggest any alternatives?

Also I am aware that britta filters do not remove calcium so has anyone in the UK found a filter that does?

I cannot afford a reverse osmosis kit atm so any suggestions would be great.

Hi all,

I have read here that a few people recommend Morrisons still water as it is very low in calcium. Unfortunately I do not have a morrisons near me so can anyone suggest any alternatives?

Also I am aware that britta filters do not remove calcium so has anyone in the UK found a filter that does?

I cannot afford a reverse osmosis kit atm so any suggestions would be great.


Brita filters still make a big difference. I can't get to a Morrisons either (it is right across the city), live in a very hard and mineral rich water area but haven't needed a stone operation since I started filtering. ;)

It is the overall balance of the diet that is key, not cutting out any calcium completely.
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Thank you :) I'm being extra cautious after a stone removal op as he is only approx 10 mths old and I'm terrified it will return x
I use a Brita filter jug. I know it removes a huge amount of calcium just by the state of my kettle, I no longer have to descale it! Bristol is a very hard water area. I double filter the water for my piggies having lost one to inoperable stones and no longer find gritty wee in their cages.
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I'm so sorry to hear that 💗

I had never even thought of filtering twice! Thank you so very much x
Waitrose stocks Deeside which is low calcium and most own brand shop water is pretty low. I use Tesco when I can't get any from Morrisons.
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Perfect, thank you so much xxxxxx
I used to use a Brita jug but it was a nightmare as I couldn't fit it in the fridge.

Plus I live in a hard water area so even filtering it didn't bring the calcium down to a level I was happy with.
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