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My guinea pig is scared of me out of nowhere


New Born Pup
Apr 21, 2024
Reaction score
Hello! ❤️
It's my first time posting on here but I'm glad we all get to show our love for these little piggies and I'm sorry if sometimes I have bad English, it's not my first language.

At the moment, I got two female guinea pigs, going by the name of Riki and Tiki (left and right from my profile picture) which I love lots. I got them from a pet store (sadly, in my country they're not that common so it's hard to find them in any other place) back in November 2022 at around 2 months old. In the beginning, they were understandably afraid of me and I took my time with them, I sat by their cage without forcing them, I hand fed them every day (and I still do) and over time it got better. When it comes to them, Tiki is more relaxed around me, she lets me pet her and doesn't take the food away from my hand, but instead, she sits down while eating from my hand. Sadly, she doesn't let me pick her up after all this time, but it's okay, I got used to it at this point. I only force her in my arms when I have to cut her butt-hair. :nod:

My main concern is my shy one, Riki. Up until now, she was doing well, she's a 'scaredy cat', and usually runs away as soon as she hears a sound, but recently I'm a bit concerned. One-two months ago, she would let me pet her, feed her (of course, doesn't let me pick her up either, but I'm not forcing her), but now, she doesn't let me do anything, not even sit next to their cage because she's running in their house, scattering her teeth, and not even letting me feed her, she's just grabbing it with force from my hand and hides in a corner to eat. The only time she's vocal like usual is when it's time to feed them. To mention, my guinea pigs get along very well, so it's not like she's scared of Tiki. It upsets me because I felt like I was doing progress with her, but now, I'm back at square one.

Sadly, I can't let them roam too much around the room so they can explore and get more comfortable because, I got a dog. I know it's not good to necessarily have a pet like a dog in this case, but I got them during my university days because I felt lonely, and since I moved back to my parents' house, I have no choice but to keep them inside a cage. I DIY a big cage for them which is enough to run, sleep, play etc.

I'm sorry if my post is a bit confusing, but I hope you all understood what I meant and all I'm asking for is advice to bond with shy guinea pig... I looked on the internet enough but nothing worked in my case. :(
Has anything happened that could explain Riki's change in behaviour? Anything that scared her badly while you were around so that she could have associated you with this scary event?
Were there any changes in her environment?
Did you notice anything else like weight loss or any other symptoms?

Sometime femals are more easily scared in spring, probably because of hormonal peaks. But any change of behaviour could have a medical reason. So it's always important to monitor the weight and keep a close eye on them. A vet check could also be a good idea if you have got a cavy savvy vet.

If it's really just that your relationship with her has been damaged somehow, I would try to spend more time sitting next to the cage, speaking softly, maybe reading to them. So they can both be more relaxed in your presence.
Has anything happened that could explain Riki's change in behaviour? Anything that scared her badly while you were around so that she could have associated you with this scary event?
Were there any changes in her environment?
Did you notice anything else like weight loss or any other symptoms?

Sometime femals are more easily scared in spring, probably because of hormonal peaks. But any change of behaviour could have a medical reason. So it's always important to monitor the weight and keep a close eye on them. A vet check could also be a good idea if you have got a cavy savvy vet.

If it's really just that your relationship with her has been damaged somehow, I would try to spend more time sitting next to the cage, speaking softly, maybe reading to them. So they can both be more relaxed in your presence.

Welcome to the forum