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My Guinea Pig Won't Eat Other Veggies

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Jan 3, 2012
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Washington DC
So I don't know what to do. I tried asking on a different site, but they told me everything I already know and refered me to look at different websites that I have already looked at.

When I first got my Guinea Pig, V, he ate green peppers and loved romaine lettuce. But I gave him a carrot and now he won't eat anything else. I don't give him carrots all the time, because I know they are not good for him. And I try giving him the veggies that he liked before carrots and new veggies, but he won't eat it. He has unlimited amount of hay in his cage at all times and I give him pellet food as well, which I was told gives him vitamin C. But from what I know about guinea pigs, that can't be enough. He needs to have a good daily vegetable diet. Because he won't eat anything but carrots, I am worried that he will get sick. I give him a vitamin C tablet, but since he won't eat it by itself, I break down and give him a carrot.

Now should I stop giving a carrot every once in a while and keep trying to feed him other vegetables until he finally eats them? Do I need to give him a vitamin C tablet while he has the hay and pellets, or am I worrying too much? I just need advice from one of you piggie experts Lol
Some guinea pigs, especially single ones without the incentive of "wanting to have what the other piggy has" can be quite picky.

There is a whole range of veg and fruit that guinea pigs can eat; please try them all and persist. Sometimes it is a matter of serving it up again and again...

Depending on how close you are to your piggy already, you could eat a bit of veg together (with your face very close to her), so that your piggy picks up the reassurance that what you serve is edible from you like she would normally from mummy and aunties around her - that is how piggies learn what is safe to eat and what not!

Often dark green things like cilantro, parsley, spinach and kale (too calcium rich to feed daily) are good starting veg. Many piggies also like cucumbers. Grass and dandelion in summer are the best starters of them all. Perhaps you can grow grass in a windowsill box?

Here is a list of fruit and veg they can have (in case you don't have this link yet): http://www.guinealynx.info/chart.html

And persist, persist, persist!
Thank you! I figured I would just need to keep persisting with the veggies until he eats them. And I will try eating with him as well because we don't have another guinea pig yet, we are still trying to work on that.

So should I not give him any carrots until he starts eating the other veggies? And what about vitamin C...until he starts eating other veggies, will he be all right with just hay and pellets? Or should I still give him the tablets?
Carrots (and lettuce as well) are very high in vitamin A (which accumulates in the liver) and should not be fed daily. Give V other food; eventually he'll be so hungry that he'll eat.

A slice of bell/sweet peppers of any colour, some broccoli and or a bit parsley are very in vitamin C.
Treat him like a fussy child and don't give up on him. You have some great advice so far and I don't think I can add much else but good luck!
Thank you so much! I have been worrying so much. I asked another site what I should do and they treated me like I didn't know anything about guinea pigs and that I wasn't doing a very good job with him. He is my first guinea pig and I have researched so much about guinea pigs and I watch videos to see if I am doing things right. I don't want anything to happen to my little guy.

So thank you for the advice. I will tell you if anything works xx>>>
my piggies were being like that too I found lettuce to work they finally accepted it. I tried some other things first and they reacted like I as trying to poison them and wouldn`t go to that side of the cage. Even though it was on the safe list. rolleyes
I had to remove all dry food and hay to get Bertie to eat any veggies. I sometimes give him more than one type but he has his faves, and is finicky. Look up the veggies that are good for him,try them and then keep a note of what you give him and what he likes. Variety is the spice of life tell V xx
Real quick, is romaine everyday bad for them? Or should I use a different green?

Mine adore Romaine and would have it daily if they could ;)
I give it to them probably every other day as it is the better lettuce to give them, they like endive and escarole too.
Have you tried your boy with some chicory or fresh beetroot (no leaves) ?/
Funnily enough, my piggies have suddenly stopped eating carrots, which is annoying as my children love them (piggies get off cuts or peelings from whatever the children have).

They are strange little beasts sometimes.
Funnily enough, my piggies have suddenly stopped eating carrots, which is annoying as my children love them (piggies get off cuts or peelings from whatever the children have).

They are strange little beasts sometimes.
That is funny Liz! Cause mine goes bonkers over carrots. Lol When I give him a salad, he eats all the carrots out of it first. I am sure he wishes he could have them everyday.

I have experimented with some fruits that I know they can have, mostly as treats, but he doesn't want anything to do with them. And I thought he would love it...but nope. : )

Anyways! He loves romaine and it's the only lettuce I have right now, until my partner gets paid on Friday...
Find out what foods guinea pigs can and can't eat! If you're thinking of adopting a guinea pig and want to know what foods to stock up on to prepare, or if you already have a guinea pig or two and are wondering if you should feed them something you have in your fridge, this lens is for you.

Are you feeding your guinea pig something that could make him sick?
Are there other foods you may have in your house that would be great to give your guinea pig?
If your guinea pig is picky and won't eat certain fruits or veggies, what other safe foods can you try?
Are you afraid you may have fed your guinea pig the wrong thing and need to find help?

Find the answers to these questions and more here. I've offered some suggestions for different foods and kibble and hay that will make your guinea pig happy based on my own experiences as well.This is just one of several lenses in a series about guinea pig care, so if you have other questions, feel free to explore the full series! If you find this page useful, you can give it a thumbs up up top here or share with your social network of choice. Spread the guinea pig knowledge! :)Fruits and Vegetables Guinea Pigs Can Eat
Here is a list of vegetables and fruits guinea pigs love to eat.
Guinea pigs love fruits and vegetables about as much as humans love ice cream and candy, which is great because fruits and vegetables are an important part of their diet and keep them happy and healthy!

Different guinea pigs have different preferences, but generally, they love to sample a variety of different fruits and veggies. With my guinea pigs, carrots, peppers and dark lettuces are a surefire hit
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