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My parents won't allow me to take my piggy to the vet

Great you got to the vet, surolan is a good topical treatment for ringworm fungal infection as long as it hasnt spread too much, but you need to follow the hygiene tips very carefully and get back to the vet if any more sores or bald patches appear in case your piggy needs a stronger oral medicine. Hope you can get rid of the infection without any problems!
So it turns out she has mycosis and the vet gave me this solution to put on that spot everyday, it's called Surolan

I’m so glad your piggy was able to go to the vet and that this issue can now be treated before it gets too crazy. Well done for convincing the parents.
I'm glad you were able to take your piggy to the vet and get some treatment for her, I hope it does the job quickly and the infection doesn't spread.
So glad you got to the vet. Your parents will be glad in the long run too - ringworm isn't very nice for piggies Or people, and the sooner it's caught, the better. Good luck