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My piggies in their snuggle sacs!

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awww they look gorgeous in their snuggle sacs we just bought 4 from cozy covys their fantastic arn't they, and we noticed you have the same run as us, do you have any problems with escapee's?

kev and caz x

Hi Sorry only just seen your question - My pigs have escaped once and that was only because the run got a bit bent when something fell on it and so it became quite easy to open! I have fixed it with some pliers and now works fine. None have ever tried to jump over it
Lovely pics, they do look snug in their Snuggle-oos!

My mum bought 12 of the regular cosy sacks for my lot, one for each pig. I think half the pigs have figured it out, the others just sit on top. rolleyes
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