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Mystery illness

Amy Barton

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 31, 2017
Reaction score
As some people might know I lost Darcy a month ago. A few days ago o noticed daisy had started with similar symtoms - eating less, lethargic and puffed up. Although daisy was still bright eyed and eating some food I started syringe feeding straight away and stayed up all night with her until I was able to take her to the vet. By morning she had deteriorated and was refusing any food but still had energy to push me out the way when I was trying to syringe feed her. I took her to vets and she agreed that she had whatever Darcy had. Although in both cases there where no clear symtoms - their teeth were fine, breathing clear, in no obvious pain and tummy’s normal. The vet gave antibiotics altough was not hopeful. She suggested a specialist as she did with darcys case altough said that would cause her a lot more stress and as she is not a young piggy it may just be her time to go. I carried on syringe feeding daisy and went out for an hour to get her favourite hay and treats from pets at home to encourage her to eat. When I got home daisy ran up to the cage bars popcorning and squeaking. She is now completely back to normal and full of life so I am so confused as to what it could have been and I’m wondering if anyone has had similar experience or knows what could have coursed it as I’m worried about my other remaining pig peppa. I am still so heartbroken that I lost Darcy but she was a lot further gone than daisy. Her eyes where dull and despite my best efforts I just couldn’t save her :(
As some people might know I lost Darcy a month ago. A few days ago o noticed daisy had started with similar symtoms - eating less, lethargic and puffed up. Although daisy was still bright eyed and eating some food I started syringe feeding straight away and stayed up all night with her until I was able to take her to the vet. By morning she had deteriorated and was refusing any food but still had energy to push me out the way when I was trying to syringe feed her. I took her to vets and she agreed that she had whatever Darcy had. Although in both cases there where no clear symtoms - their teeth were fine, breathing clear, in no obvious pain and tummy’s normal. The vet gave antibiotics altough was not hopeful. She suggested a specialist as she did with darcys case altough said that would cause her a lot more stress and as she is not a young piggy it may just be her time to go. I carried on syringe feeding daisy and went out for an hour to get her favourite hay and treats from pets at home to encourage her to eat. When I got home daisy ran up to the cage bars popcorning and squeaking. She is now completely back to normal and full of life so I am so confused as to what it could have been and I’m wondering if anyone has had similar experience or knows what could have coursed it as I’m worried about my other remaining pig peppa. I am still so heartbroken that I lost Darcy but she was a lot further gone than daisy. Her eyes where dull and despite my best efforts I just couldn’t save her :(

Hi! I am very glad that Daisy has pulled through. It is however impossible for us to make any educated guesses apart from the fact that the cause must have been either environmental, come in the food or is something transmittable. But without a post mortem of Darcy and any tests on Daisy, that leaves the field wide open.
There is of course also the possibility that the two are unrelated and that Daisy's problem was a reaction to the stress of the bereavement and a somewhat lowered immune system so any underlying issue can come to the fore.

Have you checked for monoxide in your house/flat?
Thankyou for the reply! Yes we have a monitor downstairs, we are just going to keep a close eye on them and take them back to the vet if we notice any more issues. We recently changed their cage as well so I’m thinking maybe that stressed her out which could have caused her illness or possibley to do with their food? They have new bags of pellets and hay now so if it was to do with that then hopefully there will be no further issues