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Natures Own Hay

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Nov 17, 2011
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Has anyone else used this hay? I just bought a large bag and when i went to put my hand in i got a hand full of thorns grrrr my brother has spent nearly a half hour picking thorns out of my hand I'm so annoyed sorry rant over :red I'm kind of tempted to contact them
Has anyone else used this hay? I just bought a large bag and when i went to put my hand in i got a hand full of thorns grrrr my brother has spent nearly a half hour picking thorns out of my hand I'm so annoyed sorry rant over :red I'm kind of tempted to contact them

Do it - probably just unlucky, but you'll probably get some free hay!
Hi, I use this all the time. I've had many really lovely bags of hay and just one that had big twigs and thorns in it which I had to pick out.

I think as it's a "natural" product they do say it can contain things like that...worth complaining to them though- you never know what you might get!
I think that all hay poses a risk due to the nature of where it's came from. I buy large bags of meadow hay from the range for my pigs bedding which they love. Most of the time it is lovely and green but the odd time it has contained twigs, thorns and dry leaves. One time we even found a dead rat :)>>> which we DID complain about but I guess these things happen.

I am a bit of a saddo when it comes to hay as I always have to have a good feel around each handful before putting it in to my girls hutch.

Thank goodness the piggies wasn't injured and yes, do complain if you can.
id complain tbh, I know its a natural product but surely they shouldnt be getting the hay from fields that are mainly weeds!
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