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New ramp


New Born Pup
Nov 14, 2019
Reaction score
Okay so I've had my guinea pig for 6-7 months now and i had just got him a new two-story cage with a ramp, i can't get him to go up and down the ramp I've tried bribing him with food and putting him on top but he'll whine, and his food is on the bottom floor so he has a reason to go down (i felt bad so i put him down the ramp). Is there any other way to get him to go up or down?
Guinea pigs are ground roaming animals, often are scared of heights and aren’t natural climbers. Their cages are better to be all on one level and some will never accept a ramp. (This is why upstairs levels don’t count towards the cage size, it’s only the ground level of a cage which needs to be the correct size, as upstairs levels are only bonus space). Using food is often the best way to tempt them though. You need to ensure the ramp isn’t too steep and that the ramp has sides on it - a steep ramp without sides a scared guinea pig simply won’t use. Ensure that all food and water is on the ground floor level where your piggy is comfortable for now.

Does your guinea pig with live a friend? They are highly social creatures and should be kept in pairs as single piggies get lonely.
I tried the food thing and it worked! He's now zooming up and down the ramp! The bottom half is pretty big as well, he has a cage mate so i make sure its pretty big. Thank you!