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'nutty honey treat'

Laura M.

Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 14, 2019
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My 11 year old sister got these for my guinea pigs, are they safe?15955336520136168425907787207514.jpg
Absolutely not I'm afraid! Nuts and honey are both definitely not suitable for guinea pigs... you could always put them out for the garden birds, that's what we tend to do if a well meaning relative brings an unsuitable snack :)
Thought so...
I'll just have to break it to her :soz:

It was a lovely thought, and it’s not her fault that the packaging says it’s Ok for piggies. But there are so many things that are mis-sold as suitable for piggies.
You could break it up and put it out for the birds. I’m sure they would love it.
What a nice thought that your daughter thought that she was buying a lovely treat for your piggies. How about getting your piggies a Haycube or a Carrot Cottage instead? Make sure you get a Medium or Large Carrot Cottage and a Large Haycube.