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Oxytocin experiences?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 25, 2010
Reaction score
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.
Just wondered if anyone had had a good outcome with taking their piggie in for oxytocin to start labour? I'm popping my pig off to work t/m for some to start her off (now being nearly around 78-80ish days pregnant) Her pelvis is safely dilated and ready. Just wondered if anyone had any experience of it? Any stories or comments appreiciated.

I've never used oxytocin to start a labour - have done to restart them though, sometimes successful, once not and C section needed.

How can you be so certain of the pregnancy dates?

Suzy x
Has she given you reason to think that she is in need of assistance? Is this her first litter? How long since the boar was in and removed?

Suzy x
He was removed 76 days ago? It's not unheard of for a sow to delay implantation, though quite rare. If it's more than 73 days since he was removed I would be getting concerned too. It's very difficult to advise whether to go ahead or not, obviously, though I would be thinking along the same lines as you are and have my own vet make the decision for me.

If there is not a reliable date for the boar's removal I would wait - the waiting is torture I know, but out of 50 or so births I've only had one not go into labour - she was 14 weeks old, full term with a very large litter that drained the life out of her, she was starved through out her infancy and most of the pregnancy.


Suzy x
Thanks for your advice. I will see how she goes over the next few days. Shes had an xray and has 4 pups inside and her pelvis is round 1.5cm dilated. So I'm guessing not long now.

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