Pepper(mint) - the dominant pig!

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MintyAndGarry (TEAS)

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Director at TEAS (West Hunsbury), Northampton, UK
You live and learn eh? I know Minty has only just gone, but I went out today to find a pig to be Polo's new friend. Couldn't find any baby ones at all. As a last resort, I went to a not so good place near me where I fell in love with Pepper. I think I really knew I was taking a risk, but I couldn't leave him there.

The pair of them were fine on my lap - as you'll see - but since putting them together, there's been snapping and teeth chattering and sniping. Not good. So, at the moment, they are separate upstairs. I am thinking maybe Pepper will be a lone piggy - he can still hear the others - but he has such a huge personality that it is difficult to see who will go with him - I thought Polo was a subdued little thing, timid, but it appears not!rolleyes Floortime friends might be the way forward...




With Polo...before the attitudes kicked in!

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Awww gorgeous!

Sorry to hear about your loss :( but I know where you are coming from wanting to get him a new friend quickly I was in the same situation a few weeks ago.

You never know they might end up getting on fine and are just sorting out who is boss. Mine still have the occasional teeth chatter but when they first got together there was some nipping from both sides but all seems calm at the moment!

Good luck with them keep trying and they may become best buds :)

Thanks...I've put two similarly aged pigs together before and it eventually worked out. It just seemed to be getting nasty just now so for them moment, they will be spending their time separately and will be together when I can supervise them! I'm off work for two weeks, so will be around lots to see them both.:)
Awww what a beautiful new piggie and such handsome boys together, hope they get on a little well over the next few wheeks! :))
Every crested guinea pig I have had, have always been the dominant one.... especially gingers ;)
Tried the pair of them together tonight and there was lots of humping from Pepper. No signs of aggression as such, but poor Polo really didn't know what was happening and was getting quite stressed! I think slowly but surely might be the way forward with these two. They seem OK though on their own and can hear the other pigs. Polo is a 'pigloo pig' and I don't see that much of him, but Pepper is out all the time. He has been upgraded today from my emergency Nero 2 cage into a Ferplast 100. He seems OK in there. Do you think that maybe a little teddy might make him think he's got company? :{
At the moment, I'm thinking of sticking their cages side by side in an 'L' shape and seeing how they get on like that. Polo is a very shy pig and keeps himself to himself - he doesn't come out of his pigloo much. Pepper, on the other hand, is over confident and is a bouncy pig. Will still give them floor time together, but will trial this cage formation over the weekend and see how much bar chewing there is from Pepper...rolleyes

Either way, they'll have lots of cuddles!
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