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Oreo and olive

New Born Pup
Jul 3, 2020
Reaction score
Hi guys so I noticed with my two male piggies that when I open the door for them to come out of their cage for playtime they resist and don’t even want to step foot outside their cage and I’m not sure why. I always let them choose on their own if they want to come out since I don’t want to scare them by picking them up and they rather just play inside the cage. So I’m not sure why this is happening or if I’m doing something wrong.
How long have you had them? And when you open the door are there hides for them to go in? They’re probably just wary of the big wide world. I would pick them up and put them in the run instead of letting them out so to speak. Or just leave the door open so they can come and go as they please.
It sounds as if they don’t know that it’s safe outside the cage. They know they are safe inside so there’s no reason for them to want to leave! I would herd them into a carrier and take them out of the cage for play time. Once they learn they’re fine out there then they will come out on their own but until then you’ll have to show them they’re fine.
You’ll probably find the first few times you put them in there that they will just just be scared so make sure theee is plenty of hideys for them to be in. It’ll take time but they will enjoy it eventually!