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Poorly Maisy

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Mar 23, 2010
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Gwent, South Wales
Hi Everyone,

I’ve been holding off all week until now to post about one of my guinea pigs who had a scan on Monday.

I didn’t want to come on here and moan to everyone, but since my other piggie, Daisy had to be put to sleep in April, I was so thankful for everyone’s advice, sympathy and very caring words, that I just felt part of a lovely community, who REALLY does understand what it’s like to lose a piggie.

I have 2 piggies, Maisy (approx 5/6 years, who was the mum of Daisy) and our new(ish) one, Dotty (8 months).

Maisy (this month)


Maisy & Dotty



This is so lovely!

Maisy is quite a large pig and always has been since I took her and Daisy on last October. She’s weighing in at around 1750g. I’ve noticed over the past week that although she has been eating, drinking, weeing and pooping, she’s been just a tad quieter than normal, as I usually see her popping in and out of their sleeping area.

Took her to the vets on Monday, she had a scan and vet said Maisy has a large cyst on her left ovary and a small one on her right. We briefly discussed the situation and what the options were.

I am so, so saddened by this news for poor Maisy and although I half expected it (because of Daisy’s situation), I was also hoping that the vet was going to say that Maisy is getting old and slowing down, or maybe she needs to go on a diet.

I’m in such a dilemma in my mind as although “hindsightâ€, with regard to Daisy, is such a good thing, I really thought in my own heart that I did the best for Daisy and was right to give her the chance by having the op.

Though I feel a little half hearted this time, and although I want to give Maisy a chance, I don’t know what the outcome will be, ie whether she will survive the op etc, in which case, I would feel dreadful and guilty having put her through it.

I also feel I should let her continue as she is. I asked the vet if Maisy would be in a pain and she said probably not at the moment, but that she was probably in a little discomfort more than pain, which pigs, humans can be with ovarian cysts. (To be fair, I know from my own experience after having a cyst on my left ovary).

Maisy has been running around the lounge with Dotty, (they have settled together beautifully mind since we had Dotty in May). Maisy still asserts herself, the dominance thing etc and even tried to mount Dotty this morning, but I just feel sooo sad, have been crying every night over her, and feel that we are just waiting for her to die. She reminds me of a matron or senior nurse, because she’s quite bossy, demonstrative, inquisitive, but so, so, sweet.

It’s harder because she isn’t actually ill at the moment, so it’s hard to take it all, whereas with Daisy, she also had a bladder stone and was very poorly days before the decision was made to operate.

I feel I should keep an eye on her, treat her as normal, give lots of hugs etc and just go from there. Then other times I think no, lets give her a chance, but it is only just a ‘chance’……

Sorry to go on for so long. I can’t keep posts like this short, it must be the welsh chatter in me. ;)

Thanks again for reading, I appreciate everyone’s comments, messages etc, but I just wish these little piggies didn’t have to go through such conditions etc in life. I just love them to pieces and only watched the little video clip from my phone last week of Daisy, when I got up to syringe feed her in the morning, and I just cried and cried. I could hear the sound of her crunching the red pepper and baby sweetcorn when she started to improve after the op. So sad.

I don't want to be swayed by my family or anyone, but it's hard not to, especially when I your afraid of the unknown, ie letting Maisy have the op and what the outcome will be.

Thanks my lovelies. xx
I'm sorry to hear of your dilemma. I've had a couple of old girls with ovarian cysts - had them myself so know how they feel too. I decided not to operate given their ages but I did give Metacam daily when needed and it really seemed to help.

The one consolation is that although you are suffering with making the decision whether to put her through the op or not, she is oblivious to it all and just getting on with her piggy life - which sounds good to me!

Big hugs for you and your lovely girls

Suzy x
Have you tried to contact the CCT (Cambridge Cavy Trust) as to hormone therapy? I have heard that two courses can do the trick.
Perhaps you can persuade your vet to try it after a consultation with a qualified person. http://jackiesguineapiggies.com/cct.html

I know how you feel - I lost lovely Fflur when she was found to have not just one, but two very large and still fast growing cysts in March.
i think due to her age and the fact its not REALLY giving her problems leave well alone, if she becomes hormonal then you could try the hormone injections, these are good and have been known to shrink them too.
My vet's treat ovarian cysts with the hormone injections Wiebke mentioned and they said they have very good results with this. Can you perhaps discuss with your vet and see if its something they will try?
Big hugs hun. Must be so distressing for you. I agree that it might be a good idea to look into the hormone treatment option.
You know your pigs best so I would follow your own instincts as to whether she is comfortable and give pain relief when necessary. xx
So sorry to hear about poor Maisy, a difficult decision to have to make. My girl Lily was about 4 when we noticed she wasnt quite right in herself and after being examined cysts were diagnosed, to start with she was given injections to help with the swelling and the usual pain relief but after about three courses the treatment wasn't working as well as we hoped so we decided to go for an operation. Cannot remember the name but she had the complete removal of her reproductive organs. It was touch and go after the op, she just didn't cope well with the G.A and it took her about 3 weeks to get back to normal but after the full recovery period she was back to her old self. Although it worked well for Lily it wouldn't be an option I would make in a hurry for my other girls. wheeks and hugs to you both.
Definitely contact CCT. They may be able to persuade your vet to drain it (with a syringe needle) instead of doing an operation.
Thank you my lovelies for all your replies. :rose

I mentioned about draining it, but the vet said it would only fill back up within a few days! I don't know anything about this to be honest, so I just said oh, right ok. It was all a bit too much to take in on Monday, so I wasn't able to think straight.

I will query the injection though, well worth a try.

All feedback and suggestions is gratefully received. I feel so upset as it was awful losing Daisy, I'm so frightened of Maisy going too. xx
Aw you poor thing, how awful.

Personally i dont think i would go through the op at her age, but only because i have had my pigs go through ops and not get any better after, as i said, thats personally, like someone else said, you know your pigs best.

Really thinking of you at this time, whatever the outcome, make sure you enjoy every moment with them xxxxxxx

hugs x
Aww, thank you doglovinpiggy. :)

I rang to speak with the vet this morning, but she wasn't there, though she returned my call later and I mentioned this hormone therapy and she said that Maisy could have it. It is the hormone used in pregnancy. She could start the first one on Monday and then the second one next month.

So she booked Maisy in for 5.10pm on Monday.

I feel and hope that this will help to reduce the size of the cyst and that I feel that I will be helping towards trying to make it more comfortable for her.

I will let you all know how Maisy gets on. She was munching away on the hay before I left for work this morning and seems fine. She's so sweet bless her.
Really hope Maisy responds well to the treatment. In the meantime, enjoy every happy moment with her. :)
Maisy had her first injection earlier this evening. I felt so so sorry for her though because the vet made two attempts to insert the needle. She was gentle with her though, but Maisy let out a very loud, painful squeal twice. It was pitiful and I just wanted to cry. (Doesn't help that I feel tearful (still) rolleyes at the moment, that things like this just make my situation worse). Nevermind though, Maisy did so well and both myself and hubby are very proud of her.

She will (all being well), have another one in a month's time.

When I got home, I treated both Maisy and Dotty to a nice plate of pie and chips, nah......just joking LOL, seriously, I treated them to a nice plate of veg..........coriander, parsley, a little carrot split in half each, cucumber, romaine and some red pepper. They wolfed it down in no time, then after our tea, me, hubby and our son all had a cwtch each of them both. Think they're fast asleep now in the kitchen, aww, bless.

I hope this treatment works for Maisy, I just pray and hope. The vet said it's the safer of the options. :)
Best of luck - it is the safer option, even if it isn't all that pleasant!
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