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preventing ring worm

Sweet Potato

Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 2, 2020
Reaction score
Cheshire, England
I work at a nursery which has recently had an outbreak of ringworm amongst the children in one of the rooms and I'm worried that I could bring it home and give it to the piggies. I have been washing my hands religiously and I always change my clothes as soon as I get home from this nursery (usually because I'm covered in food, play-dough and other mystery substances). I was just wondering if I need to be doing more to protect them? how contagious is ringworm? should I bath my piggies or is this unnecessary?
I work at a nursery which has recently had an outbreak of ringworm amongst the children in one of the rooms and I'm worried that I could bring it home and give it to the piggies. I have been washing my hands religiously and I always change my clothes as soon as I get home from this nursery (usually because I'm covered in food, play-dough and other mystery substances). I was just wondering if I need to be doing more to protect them? how contagious is ringworm? should I bath my piggies or is this unnecessary?


I think that your precautions are sensible, considering that you are not dealing with an outbreak in your own home.
If you notice an outbreak of tinea/ringworm on yourself or on your piggies, then I would step up your measures.

What you may find useful to have in the house is a vet grade disinfectant like F10. It comes in handy for deep cleans anyway, but it is antifungal and not just antibacterial.

If you want more information on ringworm hygiene (including prevention of an acute outbreak and transmission), then you can find more detailed information here: Ringworm: Hygiene And Pictures
I think you're doing a good job... washing your hands with soap and water (making sure to get under your fingernails and in between your fingers) and changing clothes is probably the best thing you could possibly be doing. Ringworm is supposed to be pretty contagious, but honestly once my son had ringworm and he managed not to give it to anyone else in the house, even though it was on his face (so not covered) and I'm sure there was physical contact when he was wrestling around with the other kids and stuff.
Thanks for putting my mind at rest I wan't to be doing all I can without going completely over the top and I don't want to be putting the boys through the stress of an anti-fungal bath and reducing lap time if it really isn't anything to worry about.
My daughter had ringworm april last year (alongside chickenpox) we just didn't let her handle piggies and did handwashing, noone else caught it, piggies included 😁 chickenpox on the other hand all 3 of the kids got at the same time :doh::yikes: