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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
United States
i have 2 pairs of sisters and large c&c cage, i want to get another c&c cage with a loft as well and put one pair in there, for cleaning reasons and so they have more privacy. is there something i should know or could they get distressed? just wondering if this is a bad idea. thanks!
I wouldn't seperate pigs unless they fight or don't get on well.
I don't really think you should seperate a perfecly good herd.
Maybe you could build 2 C and C cages and attach them together
with a door way so they can still see and be together?
I would also not separate them. We needed to do that with ours because we had two boars fighting over one sow. When we got three more, we had no choice but to pair each boar up with a sow because the boars among themselves would always start fighting because females were nearby. So now we have three couples (the males have been neutered).
One big disadvantage of separating them was that, when Basil died last year, Spotty was by herself. We had to get a little boar from the animal shelter because we couldn't put her in the cages with one of our two couples. If you have a bigger herd, if one gionea-pig dies, the others won't end up being alone.
Aside from that, I have seen herds of 4 to 6 piggies and had the impression that it was very good for the piggies.
If there is no reason for a separation, I wouldn't for any length of time. It would mean that your girls would have to develop separate group identities and the the group as a whole would no loner be seen as "us", but as "us" and "them" and that there would be some dominance behaviour between them when they meet, especially with the new top sow of the second group. Sows are wired to live in groups.

Can't you just connect the two cages, and close the opening between them while cleaning?
i was looking into that it would be difficult to clean , but i was pretty set on that idea i'm not sure on how because i'm getting coroplast trays for the cage i need it all to be neater , i have to take away the hay area and set up more hay feeders i just have to make some adjustments
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