She's getting fat!

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Jan 24, 2010
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okay, so i'm giving my guinea pig two cup fulls of food a day and it usually lasts her... but i don't know why she's getting so fat.. she's been fine before and i give her lots of exercise. I'm not giving her too much because i've seen my friends guinea pig and he's very fat.. does anyone have any other ideas on how to stop my guinea pig getting so fat?:)
guineapigs have potbellys anyway which makes them just that bit more adorable :) but maybe if your worried cut there food down and give her 1 cup a day
I've heard that as long as she lifts her belly off the ground when she walks, she isn't fat. A lot of guinea pigs will look very round (my Lexi included) but aren't actually fat. It's just part of being a guinea pig. If you are worried you can cut her food down a bit as mentioned before, but I wouldn't worry too much :)
Most piggies do look rather chubby but as was said, as long as their tummy isn't dragging on the ground when they walk, it's ok. If you're worried, it might be worth consulting a vet and if it is the case that your piggy is overweigh, they'll be able to give you advice regarding your piggie's diet.
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