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Static lice?

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Nov 27, 2011
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Wanted to ask a few days ago but couldn't get onto the website anyway the other day I was holding my younger piggy Alvin who is completely black apart from a few ginger patches and noticed small brown speckles all over home which I am not 100% sure but think are moving. He also has dry flaky skin, I don't notice him excessively scratching but must be somewhat to cause flaky skin.

He doesn't seem to be in any sort of pain so I know its only mild but must cause minor irritation. Also thought that if it is irritating him could be part of the cause of him being slightly aggressive. Anyway I don't know what else it is, the speckles are towards the ends of his fur, not all based at the skin. So I'm assuming its either static or running lice.

I have ordered lice 'n' easy from gorgeous guineas as heard this worked best. So will be bathing Alvin with it during the week. Should I bath Harvey (my other guinea pig) with it too as a preventative, they both live in separate hutches and haven't found any on Harvey but better to be safe than sorry.

Just want to check this is the best method :)
Ivermectin is usually recommended for fur mites/static lice. Xeno 450 spot-on is a good product. If additionally treating with lice'n'easy, you need to leave at least 48 hours before bathing after spot-on treatment. Static lice turn up typically in autumn hay. You need to dispose the hay if that is the case and disinfect the cage.

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