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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Stafford, Staffordshire
I'm so utterly stressed out, I'm not asking for advice or anything btw just somewhere to rant :(

Problems with me now.
1. Benefits and Housing are trying to reclaim back benefits they believe I wasn't entitled to from Jan to July and it's like, I was entitled to them. They were meant to contact me in Jan to say I wasn't allowed on Income Support anymore and then I'd of moved to Job Seekers but didn't contact me until July.
2. Housing benefit picked up on this and are tring to claim near £3k back and even though the decision hasn't been made yet through job centre are trying to get housing association to pay them back already! Meaning I'd owe it to my housing association and might become homeless. I've no where to go.
3. I went to CAB today to speak to a solisiter and everything was good, and get home to find my housing association asking for rent, ring up housing benefit to find out they won't pay for the end of july (1 week) I'm paying £6 a fortnight to clear it. Anyways this is how I find out the housing benefit are trying to claim the rent back from my housing assocation behind my back. They aren't even meant to claim until the job centre has made their decision

Rant over *cries*

How do I fatten Africa up? He's lost more weight and altho it doesn't worry the vet, there must be some way of getting some food into him (more than he eats). He went from 790g to 770g in a week.
Big hugs. Sounds very stressful. :(

Tracyxx has recommended barley rings before to add weight and condition to poorly/ low weight pigs.
Big hug

Corn on the cob (which is very cheap right now) is another option as are porridge oats.
Can you feed pigs porridge oats then? i've corn on the cob but he's very picky with that >.< atm he has some broccoli nd cucumber and a mini alfafa bail with his usually dry food. I'm going to give him some Asda stirfry in a moment (uncooked obv)
oh dont get me started on the housing!grr having a similar problem myself
youve done right by going the cab as they can sort it
Hope the C.A.B. can sort it all out for you. Sounds like a nightmare :(

Hope Africa starts to gain weight too

Hugs xx
yeah porridge oats i think...poor you with all the hassle, id go for the piggy cuddle any day of the wheek!

Good luck, hope it goes your way x>>

ps/ hope Africa gets better soon x
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i really do know how you feel on this, when i went bk to work for a short while ( after deciding to leave after they got me in major mess) job centre demanded i took my pay slip in everytime i got paid, fair enough so i did, but as my wages varid from month to month, they decided to stop my benifits while they re assesed my income... i never though anythink of it until i had my land lord on phone sayin not only do they stop benefits they also held my rent payments and council tax, which in the end left owing rent, eventualygot it sorted by leaving work but **** to this day I'm in over 200arrears with my rent, i went back to college to retrain insted, as they just made it so hard! so i compltly understand how yu feel, its like talkin to a brick wall with them so big hug from me n the piggies
i honestly do not know how anyone manages on the benefit system in this country, touch wood i have never experienced it as yet, but when i met my partner he was on the dole and had been for a number of years, then luckily managed to get work (crap work) but work even so, and the dole, housing, blah blah blah were terrible, they really dont care. How anyone on limited funds is expected to go weeks without cash is beyond me, anyway.....
Well I've got to wait for a decision to be madeby the Job Centre on whether I'm 'meant' to pay back my Income Support or not (just over £1k), they are taking their time over that, but were quick enough to tell the Housing Department who waste no time in trying to get money back >.<!
Well I've got to wait for a decision to be madeby the Job Centre on whether I'm 'meant' to pay back my Income Support or not (just over £1k), they are taking their time over that, but were quick enough to tell the Housing Department who waste no time in trying to get money back >.<!
I'm sorry it's so stressful at the moment. I had the same problem. I'm off work due to illness. Even though the COUNCIL are the ones that made a mistake, they demanded £375 off me in benefits that they said I was overpaid. I had to pay it back even though it was proven it was their mistake because I had left it over the "1month appeal period". Cos I'm under 25, I get basic benefits as it is (£200 HB a month, £200 JS (ESA). This is somehow supposed to pay £320 rent, and then £80 is supposed to cover all my bills and food. They ended up taking £58 a month off me, straight out of my benefits to pay back the so called "overpayment".

What a great way to get people back to work... Make them more ill with stress. What difference does it make if I'm under 25 or over 25! Bills and rent aren't reduced!
It's true, I suffer badly with stress and depression and well I used to suffer with anxity and agraphobia and the anxity is coming back slowly :( I'm on £103 a fortnight at the moment on JSA, applying to jobs almost daily. My rent is £91.70 a week and thats paid completely which includes a service charge, I'm luckly in that sense but if what you say, if I end up paying back, they going to take a huge chunk out my benefits >.<! Wonder how much they'd demand if I was working.
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