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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 30, 2018
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I got my guinea pigs some treats and I was wondering are those actually good for them or should I just stick to veggies for treats
Treats have a lot of sugar in them you are better using veg or fruit, go over to the food forum & see what they can eat, calcium levels & sugar levels also how much you can give them certain foods a week.
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What treats did you get them? I find mine aren't that interested in pet shop "treats" and prefer offerings of fresh veg or fruit instead as tiamolly says. The only exception I have found is a couple of small boxes of forage hay from wilko's which has flower bits in etc
Hello and welcome to the forum.
It depends on what the treats are.
Mine regard cucumber as a treat although they get it most days.
I tend to get boxes of dried herbs and forage for their ‘treat’ bowl.
I agree, it depends on the treat. I only give mine things that are sold as treats very, very rarely. I just mentioned this on another thread - I don't give them a bowl of nuggets, but just use them for hand feeding and scattering a few every time I go in the piggy room, so they think of their nuggets as treats. I also give them blueberries every few weeks - I love watching them snatch them from my hand and running away to hide in case anyone takes it from them. lol
Treats tend to be quite high in sugar and some of the ones pet store sell aren’t even suitable for piggies. That being said, you can still give treats but only on the odd occasion. As with people, everything in moderation is the key.

Stay away from treats that have seeds in them or dairy (such as the yogurt drops). I tend to find my girls love pea flakes and dried apple bits, so these are the treats I mainly use.
I usually stock up on sweetcorn leaves over summer and pop them in the freezer. The boys have them as treats throughout the year then. They do get a bit drier and tougher from being frozen but it's a good workout for their teeth.
I decided to try freezing them because sweetcorn leaves are my boys absolute favourites @Merab's Slave and you can only get them for a few months a year. Surprisingly they freeze pretty well if you make sure to wrap them up tightly.
My Finn’s favorite are cilantro and parsley, so I don’t bother with sugary treats. He gets cilantro and parsley and other veggies like lettuce 3 times a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Throughout the week, he gets Apple, blueberry, watermelon, melon, carrots, spinach, and etc. I don’t want my boy getting sick so I try to minimize his surgery food intake by feeding him more veggies than fruits.
He also gets pellets, and endless supply of hay.